Nov 04, 2008 11:27
Sometime between Thursday and All Hallow's, I tripped, fell, and landed hand-first on my keys. The next three hours were spent laughing hysterically in ER until I was sedated.
How in the hell?
Oh well, this morning was my followup checkup, and there was no muscle or nerve damage, and my bandages were wrapped a bit more loosely, so I can now type this out the way my keyboarding instructor in middle school intended, rather than typing with the paw-like mass of my right hand while my left one does all the work. So yay, blog time!
But the bandage did not stop me from having a kick-ass Halloween. I carved two pumpkins and put the finishing touches on two costumes after the incident, because I'm a badass.
All in all, this weekend was a huge success. I love Halloween, and I love October/November weather, which has just recently started behaving. The trees are fucking gorgeous.
Costume pics later.