May 26, 2009 18:41
Ten things annoying faekitty.
1. Michael Steele thinks gay marriage is bad for small business. So I say anyone working for a small business that pays benefits that include their spouse should get divorced ASAP.
2. You know what would really help small businesses, government sponsored health care. We should not be relying on marriage or our job to get us health care. While I hope both last a lifetime, neither is set in stone.
3. While I have many Californian friends, so with the exception of them, Californians, you are goddamn hicks.
4. New York, we are still waiting. I guess the Red Sox are better than the Yankees.
5. Who are Jon and Kate? And why should I care?
6. Dick Cheney, please go back to your coffin.
7. Who would Republicans pick to represent the party? A smart miltitary leader or a loudmouth junkie? Can you guess who they picked?
8. Bloomberg, thank you for not raising taxes on the rich and instead raising the sales tax. NYC is heading to being an upscale mall/ luxury condos/rich person's utopia.
9. Star Trek, please stop with the time travel.
10. Republicans attacking Pelosi about torture. Pot, kettle, black.