How much did I love this episode. LET ME COUNT THE WAYS.
- Sam running and being so woobie and tired, poor baby, and what the heck was he doing taking drugs and then sitting in a car with that random dude anyways, seriously, Sam, are you prepared with Mace and your rape whistle because I sure would be. And then he gets HIT BY A CAR. I felt so guilty about loving that, I just sat there with my eyes full of hearts, thinking, "It's all my hurt!Sam fantasies coming true!"
- Sam being AWESOME and amazing and so Sam because he is a hero to his core, a messed up, dancing with the Devil kind of hero since the day he was born, practically, and there he is doing his job, the family business, and trying to save some poor girl when he hasn't eaten in two days and hasn't slept in, what, six? OH GOSH THE FEELS.
- Jared looking crazy hot, dear Lord. Let me just say: WHITE T-SHIRT. HAIR. SCRUFF. MOOSE-MAN SIZE. BRUISED FACEomgi'mhorrible.
- Umm, what else. Oh, Cas apologized! YES. And when Cas was taking on Hell, where did Dean go? To his brother. YES.
- Sam.
- SAM.
- Did I mention Sam?