maybe later i will write something of substance. maybe not.

Oct 11, 2006 01:10

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulfaefyyre goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as marilyn monroe.austin138 tricks you! You get a 3.5-inch floppy disc.ballytivnan gives you 4 orange cherry-flavoured wafers.girlwithagun tricks you! You get a wad of paper.greymentality tricks you! You lose 1 pieces of candy!kharma_creature tricks you! You lose 2 pieces of candy!l33tc4tch1x0r tricks you! You get an eraser.lov3meharder gives you 5 milky white blueberry-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.missgato tricks you! You get a wet rag.spiritkitten tricks you! You lose 1 pieces of candy!v_murder gives you 4 light green evil-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.faefyyre ends up with 9 pieces of candy, a 3.5-inch floppy disc, a wad of paper, an eraser, and a wet rag.Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.


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