Please sponsor me! Every dollar counts! Lives affected and lives lost:
I was asked to walk in the October 24th "Step Out" with my roommate for
her Dad. He is a pretty awesome guy, and I am happy to do this.
I think that just one person with a life altering and threatening disease is
enough that we should take action, but since I (amazingly) do not
currently know anyone else with the disease, I wanted to make those of
you who can't come walk an offer:
If you would like to donate to support the ADA through my link I will
make a blog entry here in memorium or support of anyone that you might
know who has been affected by this awful disease. I will also write
their name on my walking number. If you would like to donate a larger
amount to help our team reach our goals I will include a longer write
up, and will attach a separate sheet with their name and picture to my
walking numbers.
If you are like me and don't have anyone close to you who is affected
and would still like to donate I encourage you to do so. I will write
-your- name on the side of the numbers that doesn't stick out, so that
I will still know you "have my back".
To take advantage of this offer, please click on the link above, then on
"Click here to sponsor me" button above the fund raising status bar.
Be sure to leave the name of the person you want me to walk for and any
stories about them you would like me to post to this blog. If you would
like me to take their picture with me, please e-mail it to me at:
pettronella at gmail dot com.
Thank you for your support! (Please feel free to pass this on to anyone who might be interested!)