Results of the peace...

Jan 22, 2006 22:37

The republic, having accepted the peace treaty from the Sith empire, stayed their course for the first few years. Ship construction and rebuilding were still high on the priorities list but many of the citizens oof the republic were open to the idea of finally being at peace. Growing social movements for less war funding took the Senate by storm. Using these popular debates to propel themselves through the political ranks, some senators spearheaded new movments to truly embrace the peacetime, and to focus on the republic itself, rather then continually being paranoid of the Sith. The fleet was as strong as it had ever been, many of the failing fortifications had been shored up and the moral was at an all time high. Should the Sith attack, the republic was as ready as it would ever be to respond.
The only negative thing to raise is ugly head in the non war time was political relations with the Hepans. with much of the republic's attention turned inwards for the first time in cneturies, mistakes were being made by the chancelor. Unknowing slights and focuses to the republic instead of on Hepan affairs caused the rift to reopen betweenthem, much to the growing anger of the Hepan empire.
7 years after the peace treaty was signed the Hepans made a bold move to jolt the republic into action. Showing up with a small fleet of escort ships, the royal flagship arrived in courascant space nearly causeing a battle. The King himself was onboard requesting an audiance with the Chancelor so that they may speak face to face on the matters plagueing their respective governments. The King arrived with an escort of 20 Battle Knights and was lead intot he grand meeting chamber to meet with the chancelor and other dignitarys. The chancelor, at the request of the Jedi councel, allowed many Jedi to attend; Some out of diplomatic courtisy, some out of curiosity to see teh Battle knights upclose. 38 Jedi showed up standing in rank and file infront of several squards of elites military who were there as honor gaurd. The meeting was full diplomatic ring jumping, exchanging plesantries and gifts, though one gift from the Hepans cause the attention of every jedi int he room. A small glowing crystal, not much bigger then a half dollar, was presented as a "jewel from one of our many worlds" to the leader of the republic. The item itself seems to radiate teh force, becomeing a becon of sorts to the jedi. The Chancelor accepted the gift and kept it witht he rest near him. As the long procedings went on the Chancelor grew more and more agitated and restless. He was unaware of why but a few who know him well noticed the discomfort. Velorum flew into an insane rage randomly, accusing the Hepan King of trying to kill him, he called his gaurds to open fire on the Hepan coterie. Following the suden orders the sodiers begin shooting, the Jedi pull sabres but go simply defensive still trying to understand teh situation. The Battle Knights all pull weapons that resemble lightsabres, though no hand held device was seen. It was as thought the blade was generated from them. A heated battle begins as the Battel knights react to what they see as an ambush and some move to strike the Jedi who are now all armed. Through the catastrophy that was teh fight, a jedi master named Wristler Kaah, gave his life to save the Hepan King frin a dealy blast. A small band of Jedi subdued the Chancelor and all forces were called to cease fire.
The Hepan King and the Battle Knights gave honor tot eh sacrifice of Master Kaah, and to the rest of hte jedi. The king left saying "Life has drawn us here, Life has shown us. We will not destory you."
The Hepan's did however, break off all but the most basic trade relations witht eh republic.
Every person there was sworn to secrecy by the Jedi, and the matter was quickly investigated. The truth that serfaced was that Velorum has long been a puppet for the Sith Prince Palpatine. Through implanted commands Palpatine had complete control over Velorum, and somehow that crystal began interfereing with it, driving him to the point of maddness. Through manipulations and scandals Palpatine's people had seen to it that velorum was made Chancelor. The reasons for such weren't immeadiatly know and the descision was made that the head of the Jedi councel, young Anakin Skywalker, would replace the subconsious programing the Sith had implanted and they woudl watch him. Over the next 6 months many spys and informants for the Sith were identified and their ability to harm the republic nutralized. The councel moved beneath the radar of the Senate so nothing would tip off the Sith that the Jedi wer on to what could be the greatest infiltration ever done.
Not long later, with Senate and popular approval behind him, Velorum declared a holiday commemorating the day the peace treaty was signed with the Sith. Making a grand showing every military unit in Courascant was mobalized and paraded through the city, along with much of the republic's fleet in orbit. And on this day a Jedi seer screamed...

Next, the sith's next move

Ok question time...
From theratbert1999

Because I thought of more specific questions... Oh, and because I have to try...

1. Is there any hope of redemption for Juro Thuraka? The fallen Jedi Knight? Or is he forever lost to the dark side?

The story of Juro will be told in a later section of this story when i get to the point of detailing main characters within this world. right now i'm simply trying to get the overview of the world out. But suffice it to say that Juro is walking the side he is meant to be at moment.

2. You mentioned a little bit about the Heppan society and how it was organized. Can you go into more detail about this?

The Hepan socieity is highly Matriarcle, due to their greatest leader. Centuries ago the Empire was several planets under the smae banner. A slipshod empire destined to fall, atleast that's how their great enemy saw them. The Do'Sei saught to simply eliminate them and take their territory. The Hepan's weren't taht easy to fall, though it took the brillience and force of will of a female soldier named Kara Landine to lead them through it. She lead them throught the hardest parts of the war and assumed the mantle of leadership, becoming the empire's first Queen.

3. Do the Jedi ever fight out more information about the Heppan Battle Knights?

yes they do. That comes later. :)

4. What is the Heppan perspective on the Jedi/Republic vs the Sith/Empire?

the Hepan's know they play a part in it somehow though as of yet they are unsure what it is. Their own seers tell of a time where one of them will dominate the galaxy, thoguh it's still cloudy as to which. The Sith rub them the wrong way with their manipulations and the Republic are too staunch in formality.

5. Is there any sharing of knowledge and technologies between the Heppans and the Republic or is it just basic trade goods?

Basic trade goods only espeically after the insident witht eh Chancelor.

6. Does there ever get to be any intermingling of the two societies or do they remain simply trade partners?

Simply trade partners at the moment though as with any good trader on the job they try and learn as much as they can about the people they deal with.

7. Did the Heppans ever make any contact with the Sith?

The Sith actually tried to make contact with the Hepans, sending an emissary ship into their space. Their message was hear by the fleet captain and, on the advice of her ships Battle Knight, the Sith ship was blow out of space. No information is known in the republic as to why.

From raist_
So how did the peace go, O Great GM of Wisdom?

The peace itself was boomingly prosperous. More trade routes we opened, and there was less restricted space so even the boarder worlds were receiving goods from the innner worlds. There was less military spending but most of the ship workers still had plenty of oppertunity as non military ships were now more in demand. Economically and socially is was a good time.
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