Discovery of a new power...

Jul 21, 2004 23:48

The strange ship that was encountered by the Rebublic was truely an intersting one. The ship technology was astounding to observe froma distance though a direct demonstration was not somehting actively persued.
Teh ship was of a more rounded design and the reading on weapon strength and hull density were a good ways above most of the Republic ships. Repeated hails were sent to the ship but there was no reply though it counter manuvered with the deep range ship and life signs were detected so they knew it was manned. Only after the descision had been made to leave the ship be was a responce recieved from the forign ship. It was tranmitted in Basic and said simply "Further contact will be required. Expect another ship."
A full report was sent back to the Diplomatic corp and the distant boarders were watched carefully. Sure enough an larger ship then the first one encountered entered Republic space. Fully defencive and weapons charged, the massive capitol ship made it's way directly for the nearest republic relay station. Many feard it may have been a precurser to invasion but the messages transmitted were of a much more amiable nature.
And thus diplomatic relations with the Hepan Empire began.
Base information was discorved though the correnspondances, such as a very Matriarchal society and very advanced ship technology. Their rulers were a Queen and King and while a very matriarchal mindset the King still held a quiet a sway in things to be done. Limited political relations were formed, establishing boarders and domain rights for uninhabited worlds between the two great powers. Taking more then 50 years before an official meeting was established and face to face relations began. the meeting involved the Chancelor, teh advisory councel, and a small contingent of Jedi for the Republic. For the HEpan's there was the Queen, a small coterie,a nd a small contingent of body gaurds she refered to as Battle Knights. During the meeting there was an odd tension and stand off between the Jedi and the Battle Knights. The Jedi felt that the Battle Knights were very much alive and had a seeming natural resistance to the Jedi's receptive forms of telepathy.
After the meeting limited trade began and more open relations were prevalent int eh coming years betweent he republic and the Hepans though still the Hepans rarely offered information on themselves or their internal structures. And the Jedi grew even more curious about the Battle Knights.
Many years later, (for reference 8 years before "current" times) one year after Chacelor Velorum was put into office, one by one the Sith began retreating and pulling out of some of the main combative zones, seemingly abadoning them to the Republic and the Jedi. Many of these places were reinforced and restaffed building up a larger defence against the Sith. 4 monthes later an Emisarry from the Sith Empire came into Republic space with a message meant for the Senate and the Jedi councel. A new Emporer had taken the throne in the Sith Empire, a man by the name of Secorum, and wished to sue for peace with the Republic.
The Senate, upon seeing the message, instantly flew into a heated debate on the subject. Both sides had supporters, some being truly tired with war, some never trusting anything from a Sith. As with most Senate secrets, this message was leaked to the public and the Republic itself began protests for and against Peace in the Galaxy.
Teh Jedi advised teh Sentate very strongly not to accept this offering from the Sith since they see only Darkness comign from it in all ways. Teh debate continued for monthes with more and more people cryign for some sort of descision to be made. Finally the Chancelor stepped forward and ordered the fleet to be increased in size by 50% with production to begin at every available facility. He told the senate that after 3 months of this production to further shore up borders they would accept the Sith's offer of peace. Being reading for a betrayal the Chancelor made teh point hat many of the Republic's citizens were trying to make: The hope for peace must be persued cautiously, but it must be persued.
And so the offer was accepted. The Sith pulled out of nearly every major contension point and there were no further confrontations that resulted in all out battle.

Next post... the results of the peace.

Questions answering:
There was one more question posted so i thought i would answer it on the end of this post.

1. You've talked about the Sith and you've talked about the Jedi, but can a Sith become a Jedi or a Jedi become a Sith? And if they can, how do they do it?

There has never been a case of a Sith being reformed and coming back to the light. When they fall that far to the darkness there is little chance for redemption, but there is always a chance.

As for a Jedi falling and becomeing a Sith, there have been several cases of JEdi falling to the darkside. It's an everpresent threat to a JEdi to not give into temptationa dn draw on the darkside. But as for becoming a Sith, one fo the true Elite, there has onlye ver been one Jedi that has fallen that far, and noone knows why. Juro Thuraka was born in the republic and identified at birth as being Force sensitive. Trained as a Jedi he became a Battle Jedi Knight and a very skill warrior against the darkness of the Empire. Well after training his first student into Knighthood, Juro's friends lost contact with him, he seemingly dissappeared from the face of the Galaxy. When he was next seen about a year later, he was seen by one of his old friends, Maxamillion Coy, on the wrong side of a battle weidling two black Lightsaber tonfa, the black blades being the identifying mark of a Sith Lord.

As always further questions are always accepted.
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