Jun 05, 2007 23:23
Okay, so some of you already know this, but the initial round of telling people in person is over, so it's time for big public stuff.
Aaron and I are engaged! We'll be married on May 31, 2008 at a place near Asheville, NC. Yay!
There's no big proposal story. We've been in the process of making this decision for a while, and then we decided about when, and then we decided we should start telling people about a year in advance, so on Mother's Day, Aaron called my dad and asked for his blessing, which we got. There has been much flipping out (in a good way!) on the part of both our families and basically all of Talladega.
My mom and I went to Asheville on Sunday to fine a site, and we did, and I have pictures, which will be forthcoming.
I've been doing a lot of planning because it's much more fun than planning for teaching this summer or working on Ph.D. essays.
There will probably be a lot of LJ blathering about the planning. I'll try to remember to tag everything in the subject line and cut long things.