
Nov 12, 2004 11:07

trying to look for brownie/fudge recipes. . . I'm in a baking sort of mood! ^.^

- went to dentist yesterday. found out why wisdom teeth were hurting so much. . .they're almost full grown and they've been pushing on my other teeth. . . like: -| (-=wisdom tooth, |=regular tooth) and the pushingness has made my other tooth peirce my tongue.
- cold symptoms haven't gone away yet. Now I'm coughing up really gross solid green goop.
- aquired a really gross bumpy red rash on my lower neck. It itches...

I could swear that my body hates me... and for what? I give it a lot of water, nutrients... I started doing yoga last week. I was doing at least 1.5 hrs of exercise 6 days a week, I was taking glucosamine and tried going to sleep as early as I could... WHY?!?! WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO?!? *ahem*

and scene.
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