Sep 23, 2006 01:50
This college production brought to you by: frozen cappuchino
H'okay, so, relatively embittered at having missed something so divine as a foam party, I decide to attend the second batch of randomness served up by the UGA crew. And I conquered! Not exactly fairly, though... *shifts eyes* Well, see, they had this inflatable obstacle course for kids, and I wasn't the only juvenile one in the group so a lot of us decided to try it. It was a race sort of thing, but I'm generally uncompetitive, so I didn't care much about that. I did make it out before my 'opponent' did but she was sick and she had worn her socks (which made it all the more slippery) so that's hardly anything on my part. After that I got an airbrushed tattoo thingy which is sorta like a doodle I would draw, with swirlies and stars an' all.
So After we were all hardcore with our dinky little stenciled body art (I'm sure the stars and swirlies were particularly threatening), we decided to take on what was basically a more extreme version of sock-'em-bopper or whatever you call it. You stand on two cicle platform things that can spin (if you have that much control over 'em) and you're pretty much holding long lightweight punching bags with two handles intended for knocking each other off. Oh! And you get facemasks that are undoubtedly helpful, but totally block your side vision. Aaanyway, given my balance, I was the first to go, though I lasted longer than I expected to. But in the second match, we were both determined not to fall off and too weenie to really hit each other and risk falling off, so we stayed there a while. And I knew people were waiting and we weren't getting anywhere (and was honestly getting a little bored-fear the Britt when she is bored!), so I performed what was labeled as the "Flying Squirrel of Doom" attack, shouting "Kamikaze!!!" and launching myself off my pedastal towards hers and basically knocking her off. (apparently a perfectly legal move, as I'd seen others do something like it. thing's too weird to have rules anyway) I fell too, in a different area, but she fell first and all, I guess. I was just trying to end the match. But when I looked at the people waiting, there was a group of boys clapping and whistling for me. Apparently one had yelled "Hit her!" or something at me right before I did. My friend had to tell me. She also said I had fans now, but I know that was only because I finally ended the match in a somewhat climatic way and let other people havea go at it. It was still funny, though. I didn't know I was capable of the "Flying Squirrel of Doom". I just wish I coulda seen how goofy it looked. Just imagining it makes me laugh.
Ah, anyway, that's enough for my college files for the day! thanks for tuning in.
Peace out and prosper,