
Mar 14, 2010 09:25

Hello! I need your help!! All of you guys.

I am writing a paper for my English class and I need to get some research done. That is where you come in!! I want you to talk about your school (whether you are still in school or not) and tell me about how it works.

Why do I need this? Because we have a lot of friends on here who are not from the US and I ( Read more... )

blog, jackie

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sono_kiseki March 14 2010, 13:56:38 UTC
1. I start school at 7:25am, except on mondays where I start at 8:25am. :D Though being a councillor I arrive everyday before seven~
2. On mondays I end at four, tuesdays to thursdays around three and mondays around two.
3. Usually my dad sends me (8D) but other than that it's a one hour bus journey.
4. Let's see... I'm in secondary school. So, English, Chinese, Additional Maths, Elementary Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Combined Humanities (Social Studies and Elective Geography) and English Literature. I take two chinese papers though (higher chinese and express). These are only the examinable subjects.
5. five.
6. Let's see... I reach home about six every day, so about two~three hours?
7. I wear school uniform. O:
8. We don't have a homeroom system. Instead, we have a fixed form class and the teachers come to our class, not the other way round. Class is quite competitive since I'm in the best class (aka the class with all the scholars and the stupid ones like me thrown in) but out of the classroom atmosphere people are generally nice. (:
9. There are two important tests: Mid-year examinations and End of years. For these I only take the Higher Chinese paper. When I have the GCE O' Levels, however, I'll be taking both higher and normal.
10. How school make feel? XDDDD School makes me feel stressed for the most part, and mostly I feel that I can never finish my homework. But it's really quite nice, and we have a lake in my school 8D 8D so it stays quite cool all year round. Even cooler now that we have air conditioning (there's construction going on, y'see) and stuff. (:

I hope this helped, Jackie! :D


fae_dreamdance March 28 2010, 01:19:49 UTC
This definitely helped! thank you so much--I really appreciate you taking the time to tell me.

Its very odd to me that there are more similarities than we are told in class rooms. Though you do go to school much longer--that seems to be the BIGGEST difference. Hmm. Not what I expected. ^_^

School makes me stressed too and I feel the same with homework. But it is good that yours is pretty. That helps a lot.

Thanks again!!



sono_kiseki March 28 2010, 04:51:46 UTC
/sweats/ for number two I meant I end at two on fridays. XD You can kill me now.

I go to school much longer? O: I always thought that we started school earlier but ended earlier as well. Damn. >_> There's usually a half hour break (mine's at eleven) for recess though. Or lunch (at twelve) on mondays. Other than that... well, we sneak food into class 8Dv

(: No problem! If you still need the info, my opinion on American's is that they're mainly rich >_> /sweats/ now I know this isn't very true, but whenever we see a Caucasian we go 'rich!' Mainly because they have all the high-end stuff. I guess it has to do with the fact that they're the children of expectriates? (I forgot how to spell that word, sorry) Also the general opinion is that the USA has alot of obese people who are racist. >___> UH SORRY. But that's what we perceive. And that most of them have something against African-Americans in general >___________> notbekillingmenowthanks.♥


fae_dreamdance March 30 2010, 02:19:49 UTC
I'm not offended. :D It doesn't offend me to hear those things--because see, stereotypes are sometimes true, aren't they? They have to come from somewhere--and the things you said do exist in American culture and are absolutely a problem. We boast equality, but we are so far from abolishing racism. It interesting that you see that too--I wish more people here could.

So I'm not offended--a lot of Americans would be because they're self-centered, defensive people but ones that appreciate a different perspective do exist too. :D

Not significantly longer though--and you have different start and ending times per day, right? We go to school from 7:15AM to 2:12PM every day. That's a really big difference I've been seeing--a lot of other countries change the time of day. We have less breaks too--we have 6 minute ones between class and a half hour for lunch. And we sneak food too. :D HA!

As far as the rich thing goes, that actually makes so much sense. Because the poor Americans aren't able to afford to move to a different country. So it makes sense that the more rich whites would be the ones you see. ^_^ And see, unfortunately, a lot of Americans just combine all the Asian nations and consider them as one--which is absolutely ridiculous. I'm not sure where you're from, but I have no doubt you'd be shoved into a single ethnic group unfairly like that. I guess that fits in the to racism, yes? It's true--it exists worse than Americans realize.

I'm sorry if this was very long. I could go on forever. ^_^



sono_kiseki March 30 2010, 13:33:15 UTC
XD I live in a multiracial country so it's easy for me to see racial bias and/or racism. :/ it irks me as somehow I'm usually mistaken for Eurasian (I'm Chinese) and people tend to treat me differently from what they treat other Chinese here, and stuff. And all the racist jokes D:!

♥ that's good then!!

We do have a five minute breaks during classes, but teachers eat into that time so it becomes a sixty-five minute lesson. XD and sneaking food is just awesome.

That makes sense~ I'm from Singapore and I don't really see the squishing of African nations, but that could be because we're quite a multiracial country and therefore I don't really feel these kinds of racism? ._.

It's fine if you go on forever, actually. XD I like reading about people's opinions. And I'm sorry if this sounded incoherent~


fae_dreamdance April 2 2010, 20:18:49 UTC
That would irritate me too. :( I adore hearing other people's opinions too, especially when its from a different perspective. You understand and see things differently than I do just because you've grown up in an entirely different country. So its very, very interesting to see how that makes our views differ.

Racist and sexist jokes are like bread and butter, unfortunately. :( Its even worse when they are meant to actually hurt too.

You actually never sound incoherent. ^_^ You have a lot of great opinions and you make fantastic conversation. Though I am curious, what language is mainly spoken in Singapore?


sono_kiseki April 3 2010, 01:51:37 UTC
First off, I meant Asian countries not African. /headdesk/ much fail.

I understand that - I study in a very Chinese school ( so racist jokes are everywhere and most of the students seem to find it really funny. ): but I just find them hurtful and stuff, especially when we have teachers of different races and people just say out racist jokes as if the teachers couldn't understand them.

Well thank you! :D ♥ In Singapore the national language is actually Malay, but I can't speak it other than to count up to five >_> and a bit of slangs and phrases. English is mainly spoken in Singapore, though. It's followed by Chinese, as majority of the citizens here are Chinese.


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