News From the Underground #2

Jan 16, 2010 14:06

SQUEE!! Mandy is Nao and I'm Tora in that picture. Since she is shorter. ^_^

The world is bumming us out guys--we hate being taken away from our hobbies. :( This LJ is certainly one of them. SO! Mandy and I are kicking the world's shins and forcing it to let us write--whether it likes it or not.

Therefore...we have a list of things that we want to do in the near-NEAR-future. As in...hopefully this weekend. :D Or before next weekend.

Start first Gazette chaptered story!! (Expected 5-6 chapters and it'll be Ruki/Kai!!)

Comments/Messages answered

WARNING: Shameless plug! We love this site ^_^
Dozing Green - We gotta get caught up there. :D

We want to write a Jrocker/OFC story--about what?! Who knows. We want to write it though. :D

A...crossover story?! Perhaps. :D

aliceinfiction  catch up (We miss it terribly >_<)

Write...did I say that already?! (Including Melly ^_^)

Read some stories!!

Milly's birthday present!!!


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