Oh, look, I'm back with more thinky thoughts

Jul 26, 2012 10:27

So I've been thinking, in the course of plotting out what began as an X-Men movies AU and then morphed into a Marvel movieverse AU (no, seriously, it's mostly Avengers and X-Men, but Spiderman and Fantastic Four will probably cameo and I'll even give a shoutout to Daredevil if the opportunity hits). It really, really sucks to be one of the support system.
By which I mean friends and significant others. Because think about it. If you're part of a superhero team and dating a teammate, at least you can do your best to watch their back(s). Same for your good friends on the team. But what if you're Pepper watching the news out of New York on an airplane, or Jane who might not have even known what happened when it was all over, or Darcy who was God only knows where at the time of Avengers. What about being any of the students at Xavier's left behind when the X-Men went to Liberty Island or Alcatraz, and especially Alkali Lake, when they'd just escaped invading soldiers and had no clue what was happening?

It's just an idea that struck me, how it feels to be the people on the sidelines. With that in mind, and also my love for Darcy, I've got this idea. Say one of the X-Men is the only adult relative of a kid who is almost certainly human, said kid would probably still end up a student at the school, yeah? I originally wanted to make Darcy a mutant (and still might, but to keep with the idea that she has way too much experience waiting, her power will be non-combat-useful) but is the idea of a human at 'Mutant High' because of extenuating circumstances actually workable? I just really adore the idea of having someone who is just so used to this waiting thing as part of the Avengers' group. (Especially as I ship Bruce/Darcy to crazy degrees seeing as they've never met.) So, what do you guys think? About the sidelines thing in general or the story idea in particular?

x-men, meta, avengers, twist 'verse

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