Nicked from
ilovetakahana 1. Think of up to 20 ships you support.
2. List them using descriptions of the characters involved rather than their names.
3. Have your f-list guess as many of the ships as they can.
4. Fandom hints will be given if asked in the comments.
a.) loud, acts ditzy, eats hamburgers constantly/hair-trigger temper, can't hold his liquor, tea-drinking [America/England, Hetalia, guessed by
b.) smuggler turned information broker/elite mercenary exiled from her homeworld (if someone gets this, I will love you; if you ship it, I will want to fangirl over them with you) [Talon Karrde/Shada D'ukal, Star Wars Expanded Universe, guessed by
ilovetakahana and
c.) he used to be a spy/she's his trigger-happy ex-girlfriend [Michael/Fiona, Burn Notice, guessed by
d.) half-demon, is thwarted at every turn when he tries to redeem himself/modern-day witch who seems to be in love with love
e.) candy-loving trickster/moody younger brother [Gabriel/Sam, Supernatural, guessed by
f.) grouchy, coffee-addicted lead investigator/coffee-addicted, career-focused administrator (there is someone on my flist who has no excuse not to know this) [Jenny/Gibbs, NCIS, guessed by
g.) immortal, fixed point/majorly over-qualified coffee boy/cop turned secret agent [Jack/Ianto/Gwen, Torchwood, guessed by
h.) jerk with a very hidden decent side/shy computer genius [Owen/Tosh, Torchwood, guessed by
i.) never noticed by anyone or else mistaken for his brother/insanely loudmouthed and cocky, probably shouldn't even exist anymore [Canada/Prussia, Hetalia, guessed by
j.) can design anything/can be anyone/keeps track of all the details [Ariadne/Eames/Arthur, Inception, guessed by
k.) wants things to be neater/just wanted his dad to love him [Saito/Fischer, Inception, guessed by
ilovetakahana and
l.) unwanted foreign queen/intelligent, pragmatic king's man
m.) can change appearance at will/last of his friends left standing