The Gemini Chronicles Chapter 3

Nov 08, 2010 10:31

Series: AMTBR
Title: The Gemini Chronicles
Summary: Torchwood and UNIT deal with aliens. So does the Gemini team... but they also deal with demons. Witches, ex-demons, genetically-altered humans, they all can find a home here.
Primary fandoms: Charmed, Whoniverse
Primary universe: S2U

Chapter 3 - Paternal Instinct: “Remind me again why eating Chinese food makes us official?” Cole commented after swallowing a bite of General Tso’s chicken.

Paula glanced up from her lo mein and grinned. “Well, you know. Cops and takeout.”

“We’re not cops.”

“No, but we’re the acting cops of weird.”

“True. Though - ” Whatever Cole had been about to say was cut off by the cascade of orb-lights that suddenly materialized. They dissipated to reveal a fairly tall man with steel gray hair and hazel eyes. Cole let out the breath he’d been holding, relieved that the newcomer wasn’t anyone he knew.

“Sam!” Paula sounded shocked. Wasn’t Sam the name of Patty Halliwell’s Whitelighter?” “I thought the you reclipped your wings when the Elders wouldn’t let you stay with Patty,” she continued, inadvertently answering Cole’s unspoken question.

“Yes,” Sam replied, “but I’ve had a change of heart, thanks to your sister.”

“Paige,” Paula said flatly.

“Yes. And I wish you would -”

“Don’t, Sam,” Paula cut him off, her voice sharp. Then, looking over at Cole, she said, “Cole, this is Sam Wilder, my biological father. Sam, this is Cole Turner, my new partner.” The two men shook hands, Cole choosing to ignore the clear shock in the Whitelighter’s expression.

“I’ll leave you two to chat,” he said, snagging his chicken before fading out. Sam turned to Paula.

“Do you know who - ?”

“Yes, and I know what I’m doing. So, what brings you here?”

“Can’t a man visit his daughter?”

“Yes, but it’s not like you to show up unannounced. What’s going on, Sam?” The Whitelightet sighed, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

“The Elders have given me some of my old charges back. One of them, Edward, has a little boy named Kyle. He’s been kidnapped.”

“Did he contact the police?”

“The kidnapper is a demon. Lilith.” Paula frowned, remembering the things she’d read about Lilith over the years. There were the myths, of course; everything from the tale of how she’d been Adam’s first wife, cast aside for refusing to let Adam be on top during sex to the thoery that she was the Devil’s consort or the first vampire. In truth, though, it was the idea that Lilith attacked children that was the closest to the truth. She was a powerful demon who stole magical children, turning them to evil.

“You want me to help.” It wasn’t a question.

“Yes,” Sam admitted. “I wouldn’t ask, but Ted isn’t that powerful. I’m afraid that if he goes after Lilith, he’ll just get himself killed, and Kyle will be lost forever.”

“OK. We’ll handle it.”


“Cole and I. He is my partner, after all.”

“I don’t think Ted wants a demon’s help.”

“Well, if he wants my help, he’ll have to deal with it.”

~ ~ ~

Back at his apartment, Cole put the rest of his chicken in the refrigerator and looked for something to do. Finding nothing, he resorted to flipping through the TV channels.

He was watching a movie - something about child-sized people and an enchanted ring - when something caught his eye. He leapt to his feet as a tall man materialized in front of him. “Who the hell are you?”

The black-clad man offered an enigmatic smile. “I am Alpha.”

Cole’s eyes narrowed. “Let me rephrase that. What the hell are you?”

“Ah. I am an Avatar.”

“Right. And an Avatar is what, exactly? And why are you here?”

“Avatars are a neutral force looking to end the useless fight between good and evil. As for my presence here... I have come to recruit you, to make you one of us.”

Cole leaned against the wall, arms folded and one eyebrow raised. “Really,” he said sardonically. “And why would you be interested in me?”

“You are one of the most powerfully magical beings in this world and one of the few without clear ties to either side. As one of us, you would strengthen our Collective enormously.”

“Hmm. Give me a reason to be interested.”

“With the power you would gain, you could do almost anything - even change the past.”

The idea was tempting, Cole wouldn’t deny that. But he worked with a time traveler, and he’d asked about that idea, trying to change the past, so he knew better than to think it was really a smart move. “And risk ripping the universe apart? No thanks.”

“You could rescue your son’s soul.”

Cole stiffened. “What?”

“You didn’t know? Oh dear. I suggest you ask your ex-wife. Or her sister, your new friend.” And with that he disappeared. Cole stared at the empty space for a moment before fading out. It was time for some answers.

~ ~ ~

Paula was looking through a book - not a notebook this time, but one of the arcane texts Con had left her - for information on Lilith when Cole faded in. “Hey, do you know anything about Lil-?” She stopped when she saw the look on his face, and then asked instead, “What’s wrong?”

“Do you know what happened to my son?” he asked without preamble.

“I... What?” In short, clipped sentences, he told her about the Avatar’s visit.

“So?” he demanded.

“God, Cole,” she whispered, not wanting to meet his eyes. “I thought you knew.”

“Knew what? Damn it, Paula, what happened? This is my son we’re talking about!”

“I know.” And she told him of the Seer’s actions, and the Charmed Ones’ response. “No one knew the baby had a human soul - except maybe the Seer, and I doubt it. If this Alpha’s telling you the truth, Cole... the baby’s soul is probably in Limbo, if not the Wasteland. And I have to say, I’m not sure he is telling you the truth. I don’t like the sound of these guys.”

“Ever heard of them?” Cole asked, dropping into a chair across from Paula’s own seat.

“No, and I haven’t heard the term ‘Collective’ with regards to them, either, but I don’t like the implications. Do you?”

“Not particularly,” he admitted. But it’s my son... He knew what he was going to do, even if he didn’t like it much. Shaking the thoughts away, he asked, “So what was it you wanted to ask me earlier?”

“Oh. Do you know anything about Lilith?”

“Demon who turns magical kids evil. About maybe 3,000 years, old, wears a lot of black. Why?”

“Sam wants us to take her on. Apparently she took the son of one of his charges. So, any clue on a vanquish? Because as of now, I can’t find much.”

“Uh, you can probably write a spell for it. I’d add a potion though; double attack.”

“Right. I’m guessing you’re pulling out of this one then?”


“You’re going to join them.”

“Just to save my son. Then... do you have a power-stripping potion?”


“As you said, these Avatars don’t sound too trustworthy. So I’ll take their power, save my son, then lose the power so they won’t have a hold on me. You won’t fire me for being powerless, will you?”

“Of course not.”

“Good. So I’ll see you later then.” And he faded out.

She stood and walked to one of the cabinets that lined the walls, pulling out two potion vials. One potion was magenta, the other crimson. It was the second one she studied, eyes glinting. “I wouldn’t fire you, but who says you need to be powerless?”

~ ~ ~

“Alpha!” Cole called, hoping the Avatar was listening.

He was. Alpha materialized, looking smug. Cole wished he could wipe that look from the Avatar’s face, but knew he couldn’t. “I’m ready to take you up on that offer,” he said.

“Very good.” There was nothing for a moment and then Cole felt power suffusing his body. It was unlike anything he’d ever felt before.

“Now you are one of us. Come. It is time to join the others.”

“No,” Cole disagreed. “Now it’s time for me to find my son. See you around.” And with that, he dematerialized.

~ ~ ~

“So, how old is Kyle, Mr. Sands?” Paula asked.

“Please, call me Ted, and he’s 5. Sam says you’re his daughter, Ms. Ravenwood, but I don’t...”

“Long story, and it’s Paula. Do you know why she took Kyle?”

“I’m not that strong, but my wife, Felicia, she was... amazing in every way, and also a much stronger witch. Kyle takes after her.”

“You lost her.”

“Yes. Not even to a demon but just a stupid car acci- . I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Uh, do you have any idea how to find my son?”

“I have a plan,” she said more or less honestly. She had one plan, but if it backfired, chances were high that Kyle would be lost forever - and she’d get herself killed. It was ironic, really, after so much time on her own, how quickly she’d grown used to having Cole fighting with her. But he had another little boy to save, one who was just as innocent as Kyle Sands. She was on her own.

When she got back to HQ, she got her supplies ready. “One power-stripping potion, one vanquishing spell, and one summoning spell. This had better work.” She took a deep breath before reciting the spell.

“Magic forces black and white,

Reaching out through space and light

Be she far or be she near

Bring me the demoness Lilith here.”

~ ~ ~

He went back in time, invisible, to know where to start. He watched the Seer take the baby and use his power on the Charmed Ones, and he saw them deflect the attack. Grudgingly, he had to concede that they’d done the only thing possible under the circumstances. When it was over, he left as invisibly as he’d come, so as to avoid detection. As amusing as the results might be if the Halliwells did notice him, he didn’t want his boss to dock his pay when she learned he’d risked ripping the universe apart.

He’d hoped that he could track the baby’s spirit from the point of death, but it hadn’t quite worked. Still, he’d gotten a read on the baby’s aura, which was enough to be going on with.

Cole didn’t know how long it took him, jumping from realm to realm in search of his son’s soul. But he finally found him in one of the levels of Limbo. This particular area of it took him to the Halliwell manor, in a nursery. One baby - real and alive - slept in a crib under a blue blanket with an embroidered triquetra. Apparently Piper’s baby had been a boy. The other baby was sitting on the crib’s railing looking down at the younger one. He was older, with a thick head of dark hair contrasting with the other baby’s blond fuzz, but he also had a translucent look to him. It was that baby who looked at Cole with eyes the image of his own, and that baby who reached out to him.

Cole picked his son up, wishing there was more he could do. As he moved away from the crib, the other baby woke, apparently sensing his cousin’s departure, and began to cry. Just in case he turned out to be visible, Cole left in a hurry, before someone could catch him here.

Unwillingly, he returned to his own plane of existence. Slowly, the small form in his arms faded away until all that was left was a glowing white ball that danced around him before rising into the sky. As he watched it go, he thought he heard a baby’s laugh. When it was gone, he willed himself away.

~ ~ ~

The tall woman wore a tight, ankle length black dress and had long, rippling black hair. She gave Paula a haughty look. “How dare you, witch?” she demanded. Her hand rose as she conjured an energy ball. Paula threw the potion. Lilith screamed, falling to her knees as her power was taken from her, and her strength with it. But her head snapped up of its own accord, black eyes locking on gold as Paula drew the information she needed from the demoness’ mind. Once she had it, she read the second spell.

“I call to all who hold the power

Unto me your help endower.

To vanquish this demon, child-thief

To no more families shall she bring grief!”

Lilith blew up, and someone applauded behind her. Paula turned as Cole said, “Very impressive.” She smiled slightly.

“Thanks, So what’s with the costume?” she asked, gesturing to the high-necked black robe he wore. He shrugged.

“Came with the power boost, apparently. Did you get the boy?”

“I know where he is, and I’m about to go get him. And you?”

“Yeah.” He said nothing else, and she didn’t press. She understood that some things hurt too much to discuss.

“So I’d better go,” was all she said before orbing out.

~ ~ ~

The cave was damp and dark, the only light coming from a single torch. “Hello? Kyle?” Paula called.

“Hello?” a voice replied. A little boy with tousled blond hair, redrimmed green eyes, and dirty clothes crept from the shadows into the flickering light. “Who are you?”

“My name’s Paula, I’m a friend of Sam’s. Do you know Sam?”


“He sent me to find you. I’m here to take you home.”

“The demon - ”

“She’s dead.” Paula knelt to his level and held out a hand. “Come on.” A small hand slipped into her own and she orbed them away.

Ted’s face was almost unbelievably happy as he hugged his son, and for a moment, she was almost jealous of the little boy for having someone care that much. She shook that idea away, though. It was ridiculous.

“Thank you so much,” Ted said, his voice unsteady.

“Anytime. And I checked, she hadn’t started turning him yet, so there shouldn’t be any problems.” With that she left, suddenly anxious to leave the reunited family behind.

~ ~ ~

When she got back, Cole and Sam were in the library, eyeing each other warily. “Oh, for God’s sake,” she snapped irritably. “What is your problem anyway? Never mind, I know already, Whitelighter, ex-demon, it’s textbook.”

Sam cleared his throat. “Did you get Kyle home?” he asked.


“Thanks. Really.”

“Don’t mention it. So, are you... staying in town?”

“No, I have to go. I guess I’ll see you around.”

“Sure.” She waved carelessly as he left. “Well,” she said, turning to Cole, “I guess you want that potion?”

“Want it? No. But I need it. So I guess you’d better give it to me.” He shrugged. “You know, get it over with.”

She took the potion from the table and handed it to him. “You might want to sit down first. This thing takes your energy too, you know.”

“Yeah, I know. Third time out. Cheers.” He sat down and drained the vial in one go. She watched his face turn gray and heard glass shatter as the vial slipped from his fingers.

“Cole, are you OK?”

Silence was all she got for a minute, and then he managed to say, “That was worse than before.”

“Probably because you had more power than before,” she commented. Then she picked up the other vial and offered it to him.

“What’s that?”

“Just take it. Trust me, you’ll feel better.” He gave her a suspicious look, but took it anyway. Almost immediately he did feel better. He sat up straighter and looked at her sharply.

“What was that?”

Paula grinned, leaning against the table. “Try to conjure an energy ball.” The look he gave her said clearly that he thought she was crazy, but he did what she asked. To his shock, it worked.

“What did you do?”

“That potion returns stripped powers that are genetically tied to the drinker.”

“So I’m Belthazor again?”

“Not exactly. You have the powers, but without the troublesome demonic consciousness. Should keep you off the radar of whoever manages to get control down there and also help avoid the conflicts you had to deal with before.”

“When did you make this?”

“I started both right after the Haemovore incident. When we were fighting the Haemovore, it looked like using your powers was affecting your mind. But leaving you powerless would eventually do the same.”

Cole thought of how easily angered he’d been during his brief stint as a mortal, and how, recently, the powers he’d acquired seemed to be slipping from his control. “How’d you work that out?”

“Research. I’m not a demon expert, but I know a lot about magic. Power you’re not supposed to have drives you crazy. And it’s documented that stripping a demon’s power often kills them or drives them crazy. You’re still half-demon genetically, and I thought haing no powers might cause a problem.”

“Been there. And it did. But I didn’t know there was a potion to reverse power-stripping.”

“You’ve been spending too much time with white witches. Welcome to the world of gray magic.”

“Yeah. Thanks. I really didn’t want to be a mortal again. But, uh, I think I’m going to go.”

“That’s fine. So, see you tomorrow?”

“Of course.” And he left. Just then her cell rang. She pulled it out and grinned when she saw the caller ID.

“Hi there, Caleb. So, did your dad mention the offer I have for you?”

~ ~ ~

He was flipping through channels again, but couldn’t have said what was on. He was glad he’d saved his son’s soul, but... It wasn’t right! None of this was supposed to happen. If he’d never taken in the Hollow... but then the Source would have destroyed the universe. There hadn’t really been a choice, he admitted to himself.

Had it all been inevitable from there? Maybe. But if he was being honest with himself, things were not nearly as bad as they could be. His son’s soul would be reborn, Phoebe was getting on with her life, and he... was getting on with his. He had his powers back -and it wasn’t until he had them again that he realized how much he’d missed them. He had a purpose, and even a friend, which was a new experience for him. No, things weren’t ideal, but they were OK. He could live with that.

s2u, charmed, whoverse, gemini, amtbr, fanfiction

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