Title: Christmas Mornings Fandom: Inception Series: Three Is More Than Just Company Pairings: Cobb/Saito, Ariadne/Arthur/Eames Rating: PG-13 Summary: Christmas mornings in two households. Author's Note: Merry Christmas, everyone!
Cute. Glad everyone is having a lovely Christmas. I liked the detail of Arthur being Jewish but celebrating because he knows the others enjoy it. And the heart-in-his-mouth way he left the rings under the tree and hoped they'd both say yes was so sweet.
Thanks for posting. Hope your holiday is just wonderful!
I've had that ring idea in my mind - sometimes with Christmas, sometimes not - for a while now, so I'm glad you liked it. Arthur's come a long way, yes?
My holiday was great - two of my cousins brought their little boys, so we had munchkins running around, always a good thing, in addition to general crazy family fun. I hope yours was good as well if you celebrate it. :D
I do indeed celebrate. Had the fam and a dear friend with us all afternoon and we watched movies, laughed and generally enjoyed each other before dinner.
I agree, Arthur has come a long way and it makes me want to cheer that he was brave enough to do that. Yay for him!LOL
Thank you, and I love the icon - we have rocking desk chairs in my dorm (whoever came up with that needs to have to use one) and I know that feeling far too well.
Comments 11
Thanks for posting. Hope your holiday is just wonderful!
My holiday was great - two of my cousins brought their little boys, so we had munchkins running around, always a good thing, in addition to general crazy family fun. I hope yours was good as well if you celebrate it. :D
I agree, Arthur has come a long way and it makes me want to cheer that he was brave enough to do that. Yay for him!LOL
I'm very proud of Arthur, and having him come round so much is part of why I always knew it would be him who made this particular gesture.
Coming from a blended family: adding menorahs to Christmas decorations is awesome.
I love Saito being good with the kids, and I love the braided rings.
I hope you had a very merry Christmas! <3
The menorah bit made sense to me, though my family's Catholic. I'd do it if I was with someone Jewish, so why wouldn't Ari and Eames?
Cobb wouldn't be with anyone who didn't like his kids, and the rings... I'm fond of them myself. ;)
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My triad does manage cute pretty well, yes? They're such pretty people, you see, that's what does it. ;)
Pretty, pretty people. <3
Very pretty - Ari's a lucky girl.
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