May 19, 2005 18:56
these are just more thoughts. please dont take them offensively.
I dont like how things are categoried in to subjects. This is in reference to a few things, and not all.
Such as racism. A friend says that its understandable that someone be racist because that particular someone was raped/abused by an ethnic person. So, how does that make all people of that ethnicity like that? Just because someone was raped by say, a black man- that doesnt mean all black men are like that.
BUt still, people will persist. "Well, I hear about how black men do that to their girlfriends all the time. My friend told me." So, how does that encompass everyone? ANd if so, how do you know thats true? Isnt it called *gossip* to hear what so&so said about so&so?
Even if a whole majority of a group of people are a particular way, that still doesnt give you the right to judge the entire party as that way. Get off your ego.
A majority doesnt equal a whole. I dont like hearing people talk about any race for any kind of negative comment. Why? Well, we are all from this planet. We are all people, and we all bleed red, dont we? We all have the same internal parts. So why does that give us right to classify people?
I dont like hearing it, mostly because it shows how we are "apart" from them. If someone hits your car, that has nothing to do with his/her race. Or sexuality. Or gender. It has everything to do with the person, as a PERSON.
I hear someone go "that fat asshole," because their boss is overweight and happens to be an asshole. What does his/her fat have to do with them being an asshoole? Why be childish? Someone also once called someone trash, because they hit my car. They did happen to have a cheap car, but in no way did the incident have to do with their income. People of all incomes have hit my car, and my past cars. It just like hearing someone call someone a faggot, because the gay man also happens to be a jerk. Why attack his sexuality because hes a jerk to you? All kinds of people are jerks.
As Ani DiFranco said it best "like whatever I happen to be wearing, the day that someone takes a picture, is my new statement for all of womankind." in that line alone, shes saying a lot. Just because she is a woman, that doesnt mean everything she does is a statement of a woman. Just because a few woman may make the same "statement", doesnt mean its EVERY woman. Just because a few black men terrorize a neighborhood doesnt mean you can define black men into gang memebers. Just because a few "lower income" families tend to be more neglegent of their actions, doesnt mean you can categorize all lower income families. Just because many gay men I know are sluts, doesnt mean I can categorize gay men as sluts.
The logic behind attacking other parts of the person for a single incident is wrong. If someone wrongs you, then why do you have to attack the other parts of them? How does it have to do with their race? Gender? sexual orientation? Hobbies? Income? It doesnt have to do with ANY of that. We, are people. We all choose who we are, what we are, with every second we think and breath. Your actions are not the result of your race, sexual orientation, gender, sex, mother, father, friend, Tv or anything. Its your mouth, your eyes, your ears, your nose, your body, your mind, your heart- everything in you belongs to you, and YOU ALONE. You decide those things. So, if you wrong someone, then that was your decision. It wasnt the decision of your race, gender, income, sexual orientation.
Sure, trends exist. Sentences that start with "typically, gay men are..." exist. Generalities exist. The defined "norm" exists. But that doesnt mean all of them are that way.
Typically, gay men are about spending a lot of money on clothes. And dont tell me its about "fashion" or "trends" and not about the price tag. Because honestly, how many "hot nee fations" are cheap? Anyways. Say a gay guy I meet tells me hes into Abercrombie and Fitch (which is typical, in gay society). Does that mean he is now a product of gay culture, and not of himself? Does that mean I can log into my head 'gay men like Abercrombie'? NO.
We are all from the same fucking earth. We all breath the same fucking air. We all need the same vitamins. I do not represent gay people. I do not represent America. I do not represent males. I represent Derrick. The x-factors exist in every psychological equation you can pull out your ass.
"I'll be your exception, to whatever the rule." ani difranco. shes saying that we shouldnt define people into categories. I shouldnt define my friend Adam as a "gay christian". Those are characteristics of him, but Adam is Adam and only he is Adam. That defines him more than anything else. This is the same with everyone, everywhere.
If anything, when someone does something, they are representing PEOPLE. Not a country, a race, a sexuality, an income, a gender, a religion... they are representing PEOPLE. Every person. Even then, its still just a representation and not a truth for everyone.
I used to hate gay people. And christianity. Why? Because the majority of them, I didnt like. For every good reasons. But, that was STILL only a majority, and not a WHOLE. Most gays that I meet are very superfiscial, and try to sound like they are "artistic and smart" but when it comes down to it they only drink and sleep around with people. Does that mean all of them are like that? No. Are black people like that? Somewhere, some are. Are women like that? Somewhere, some are. Are males like that? Somewhere, some are. So why should I jugde the gay community for it, when people from all paths are guilty of it? When homosexual people are slutty, are they representing homosexuals? NO. Are they representing slutty people? Yes.
Christianity. I hated them most of all, because of all the hatred and death its caused. Christianity, in all of its glory, has probably been single handedly the most destructive and hateful religion of all time. They have murdered, in the name of God, MILLIONS of people. They have slaughtered nations. They have destroyed entire histories and cultures. All in the name of God. But... that still isnt ALL of them. Especially in todays world. Christians, as a generality, arent nearly that bad anymore. In fact, slowly but surely the Church is becoming more liberal. This is a common thing. The nation gets more liberal as years go by. Anyways. SO, because that happened in the past, that doesnt mean I should judge them NOW. The Christians who murdered the Muslims werent representing Christians. They were representing murderers. Plus, I have started to read into the origins of christianity, and found it to be fascinating. The original christian texts resemble much of buddhism. There was even a Goddess, named Sophia. Upon reading about christianity, I found that its not the religion thats wrong. Its the people who MAKE it wrong.
Plus, judging people/race/religion/gender based on past events seems a lil unfair. Look at white people. HOw much have we done? If we are going to judge people on their pasts, well then we should be ok with black people hating us. Even though we didnt have slaves, our fathers did.
I'll report more on this later.
I just wish we could have more compassion than anger. What does anger do you? Sure, your pissed off. But thats just it... only YOU are pissed off, and wasting the day being that way. So the jokes on you.