Mar 16, 2005 16:54
well im at my dads house and not having the best time ever but who am i to complain? well i had a pretty bad day at school i mean i dont know, ever since i thought about dealing with sport cuts again, i just got so down and almost everything seemed to bother me in some way some how :( id love to say that bball cuts didn't bother me but they deffinatley did. it like took something from me that makes me think i cant do it sometimes. i know i can do it, im gonna work so hard for make jv or better yet varsity next year. you can think whatever you want ['oh shes too short' or 'oh she sucks'] whatever i just gotta do what i wanna do. i have to remember that in a couple of situations in my life. i need to speak up when i feel i should. i know a lot of my problems wouldnt be happening now if i did speak up. im not saying my life is sucky because its far from that.i just..i dunno. i just thought id vamp on livejournal. nothing better to do at the moment. i know im gonna go watch the 6th sense. see ya'll later
> comment please:)