spring break

Mar 19, 2007 20:42

so im back at school now as of midnight last night. pooh. i was home for so long that i kinda wish i was still there haha well kind of. baisicly all i did was work hangout with bonnie. kate. ashley. bryan. anthony. good times.<33 i only got to see TT for like a day since she had to go back early : P right now im extremely bord and i prob should be doing work but i would rather just sit and waste time haha.
i am really tired today i didnt make it to my 8am this morning eaither oopss..my knee really hurts. i wiped out on ice and fell down my front stairs and slammed it and my ankle which are both bruised and my cell cracked :( not cool. i wasnt even drunk yet when it happend even tho it happend on st. pattys day haha. im kinda of happy to be back here for the simple reason i am on my own . and not working and just away for a little while. but im tired so im gonna lay down and try to get someone to make me smile.
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