thiss iz just an amazing picture ov mee .. ?! whoo tha fuck took thiss ?! i have no idea =/
thiss iz mi sexxie babieee ~> cambria ;D *heyy sexxie ladie ! i like yur flow ! yur bodiez bang'n ! out ov control !!* <~ thats tha song i sing ta mi bunnie ::blushez::
FILBERT !!!!!!!!!!!!!! [end ov storie] ;D
i like thiss picture a lot . onlie cuzz its funn ta laugh at how badd samm iz at taking picturez ! ;D thiss izz a little bittah filbert . a little bittah manderr . and a little bittah meeee . filberts definetly tha sexxiest one in thiss picture . but heyy .. i tried ! alrite ?!!
ohh mann !! thiss iz a picture ov a hott tree !!!! but ov course that ladie in frunt ov tha tree iz muchhhh hotter ;D
too much hottness for mee ta handle !!!!! heFfaaaaa ! :D manderrr !! and meeeeee ! wee izz summ sexxie hoEz ;D attractive panda .. attractive :D
~> if you didnt kno .. thiss iz mi frst time doin thiss picture thing =/ claire help't az much az shee could .. but im a moron . soo .. ya nevah kno w//mee . SMILE :D