Apr 05, 2007 19:03
So... it's April. Where the hell has the semester gone?! I swear... it feels like yesterday that I had just gotten back from Christmas break... had stopped speaking to Jd since he went up to SanAntonio... lost my job at the library but gotten a new one at the CDC... got hard to work at school... and was extremely dedicated to everything that I knew I had to do.
Now... it's April, and I've lost a lot of the drive that I had then. But i'm trying to keep up with it all.
So far, things have been kind of interesting in every other prospect of life that doesn't deal with school. Jd has called me a couple of times since that time I saw him during Spring Break. He had been drinking ((thus the reason his ringer had been Call Me When You're Sober when I HAD his number)) and was "bored". Right. lol. Other than that night... i've been leaving him random messages on MySpace... really about nothing in particular. The last one telling him to chill out and not stress about stuff...'cause apparently he's having some trouble dealing with school that isn't STC. lol. I told this to Rox and Alex and I was like "Yeah... welcome to the real world, Jd." lol.
Also, Harry and I have been keeping in touch a lot more lately. I think just because he's had so much on his plate lately that he needs some kind of escape from it all. I like being the person he can turn to for that. :) We set up the AIM talk thing again last night ((since his phone is broken and won't charge)) and I got to talk to him. lol. It was a funny conversation filled with "what did you say?... huh?.... i can't hear you!" lol. But it was fun all the same. Then... with little convincing... we took Blake and Artemis back to the Room of Requirement for some catching up. lol. Boy was that a lot of fun! ^_^ Man, I miss that place... I really wish we both had the time ((and late nights)) to get back in there on a regular basis. Of course... because of that room I had a very strange dream about Harry last night... but it was totally worth it. lol. And some reason Tricia was in my dream too... don't understand that part. ::shrugs::
Anywho, heading to the Spider House in Austin tonight with Tricia and Roxy ((hopefully, if all goes according to plan)). Am craving coffee like MAD! And want nothing more than a Black & White... mmmmmm..... so good..... ::drools:: lol. But yeah. Going home tomorrow for Easter weekend. A lot of family going back home too. Daddy called and said that we're doing our Easter thing Saturday 'cause Tio Lupe and Tia Cindy ((and me!)) have to go back on Sunday. So... that made me kinda happy to hear. Of course i'm going to have to leave it around 8 or 9-ish to get to McAllen. Not going home without seeing my Runterz and Danny & Lea!
So... that seems to be the plan. But.... i'm gonna go try and write some more Blake stuff... try to write up the A/B flashback... type it out... and maybe wash before we head out to Austin.