My life in plus/minus form = eh

Jan 23, 2007 04:14

I don't often do the whole plus/minus thang.
But I think I'll give it a try.

So here, mes amis, is a quick rundown of my life at the moment:

+ Finals are over.  That's right.  I'm free and somehow still alive after two finals, three papers, one presentation in a foreign language, one examen orale, and one final photo critique.  Whew.

- Nervous about grades.  You know, this school doesn't mess around.

+ I learned just a few days ago that I am only one course away from obtaining a Secondary Field (Harvard lingo for "minor") in Psychology.  That makes me a film studies major with a minor in the French language as well as in Psychology.  I think that is beautiful.  Rather, the overachieving nerd in me approves.

+ An article of mine was published in an on-campus film journal.

- Apparently, they also credited an article to me that I did not write and said I was class of '10.  I have yet to actually see this for myself.

- The health of my parents

+ Barack Obama

- My dreams?  My goals?  Big question mark, right there.

+/- I'm getting antsy about finalizing my summer plans.  Basically, I've handed everything in extremely early.  So now I must wait for a few more months.  I'm even more nervous about receiving funding.  But if things go well, then this could be an amazing summer.

+/- My schedule for next semester.  It's very much up in the air right now.

+/- My ambitious plans to comp so many groups (comping = basically a trial period employed by most activities on campus where when you join,  you are put through an intense training period; kind of like having an additional class)

+/- Since I've been home, I've kind of done nothing.  This is a positive thing, since I love vegging out in front of the television or with a number of movies.  However, this is also negative because I feel utterly useless whenever I let go completely and allow myself to relax.  I have people I would like to see.  So I need to get off of my ass soon.

- Impending visit with the dentist to get a few cavities filled.  Since hearing the bad news on the state of my dental health, I have been taking super extra good care of my little teeth.  But I still have to get some fillings.  This stresses me out, because it's always such an unpleasant experience to get cavities filled.  It feels as though it takes forever.  My mouth is small, and the dentist is never happy with how wide I open it--even when I try my best.  That, in turn, causes a lot of pain.  I always feel downright queasy whenever I am injected with novacaine.  Basically, I flip out and panic during the procedure.  I'M NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO IT.

+/- Things with Justin.  I'm not even going to explore that topic any further.

+ An upcoming weekend visit to NYC.  A lot of Aiko!  Allie-ness?  Maybe some Jeremy?  Maybe some Paul?  Very excited.

school, justin, harvard, future, family, dentist, plus/minus

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