Thanksgiving recap '06 -- annnd it's good, plus a few crazies

Nov 28, 2006 04:50

I enjoyed Thanksgiving break much more than I had initially anticipated. By Friday evening I found myself on the phone with Amtrak, trying to change my train ticket from Saturday to Sunday (to no avail).

Although the group was split, I dined with twenty-six other OBHS class of ’04-ers at Applebees and rang in Thanksgiving with them at midnight.  I finally got to hang out with Rich for more than fifteen minutes.  I played Wii and had a rather homely character made in my likeness.   I started and finished a cover letter en français.   I made my little sister stand outside in the cold as it rained just so I could take pictures for class.  I watched as much television as possible.  And I smiled as George Carlin discussed just how hard life is for us “fussy eaters” during an old special in Carnegie Hall on HBO at four-thirty in the morning.

But most importantly, I saw so many great friends of mine and was able to spend quality time with my family.


I seem to get stuck with the strangest characters on the train.  This time, a drunken lady with a young son sat next to me and babbled nervously to him.   Eventually, she grew tired of his company and tapped my shoulder.  I pushed the headphones off my ears to hear her say, “You know, I JUST figured out why this train is so quiet.”

“Oh.  Why?”, I asked, afraid she would turn belligerent if I did not respond politely.

“Because no one here is happy about where they’re going!”

“Oh, well, I… uh, I’m happy…about…” I mumbled…


“Are you… happy… about where you’re going?”, at this point I was looking around for help from someone, anyone.

“I guess so.  I mean, I’m going to be out of my element.  So I’m happy about that, to be out of my element, yeah,” she said cryptically.  I had no idea what this meant.  But I did know that I did not want to find out.

“Oh,” I managed to stammer, making the most uncomfortable face I could muster.  After babbling for a bit more, she told me that I could return to my music.  Gratefully, I did just that.  I also pretended to fall asleep to avoid any further dialogue with this crazy lady.  At Penn Station, she left with her poor son, and I put mango-scented moisturizing cream onto my hands to get rid of the alcohol smell that lingered still in her vacant seat.

Last year, I sat next to what I thought was a family with a little boy.  Instead, after approximately two hours of eavesdropping, I learned that the “little boy” was actually an undergrad at Smith-an all girl’s school.  I realized this after listening to the Smith undergrad tell her aunt sordid tales of hookups between others whilst showing photo albums on her laptop.  For a long while, I thought to myself, “Wow, those kids start having hook ups early on nowadays,” until I realized just what was going on. Damn, I was SO fooled by that girl.


Happy birthday, Irene!  My life is not complete without you living with me in close quarters.

crazy people, amtrak, george carlin, family, woops, awkward, friends, applebees, thanksgiving, train

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