Popular but inane displays of "wit"

Jun 23, 2005 03:11

All tasteless Michael Jackson jokes have been both anticipated and overdone. And when they're told, I wish my empathic smile would go away. (I can't help but laugh when the world is laughing, even if there is absolutely nothing funny about it and in truth I find it disturbing or distasteful.) I'd appreciate if people would not overindulge in that kind of joking.

My second pet peeve about jokes are the ones centered on religion, though I've developed a slight tolerance due to constant exposure to them and have actually been assimilated a bit into making such jokes without thought (much like my empathic smile). On a related note (slight intentional pun), I can listen to just about any kind of song except one that mocks my faith. Anyway, I'd really appreciate it if other people would tone it down in my presence, if they could. I try to be conscious of offending others; if someone asked me not to joke about something they took very seriously, I wouldn't joke about it in their presence.

Thank you,
Lucas "I was likely Miss Manners in a past life" Carson

/public service announcement
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