the dream

Oct 02, 2008 07:53

I'm slipping again
Tripping and falling
Everything is going too fast
I'm screaming but everyone is going on around me
It's like I'm not here at all
I'm praying to a god I don't believe in
Pleading for something to stop everything
Just stop the world from spinning so that everything slows down
I close my mind but can feel the unmeasurable pace around me
People moving as though no time can be wasted
No one has the time to take the effort to see if the small cowering girl needs help
I stand, tilt my head back and scream until it hurts
Then I run past everyone, through everyones busy lives barely leaving a trace of myself
Thoughts eat away at my core
Who will remember me when I am gone?
Who will miss me?
Why does any of it matter?
Thoughts racing I dumped bottle after bottle of things into a glass of water 
the water sloshes over the edge of the cup
Something tells me thats enough
Muddle and stir
Drink and everything will stop
Drink and everything will go away
Drink and everything will stop
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