Another audio book

Jul 23, 2014 07:12

In addition to the Prince of Thorns book I'm reading, during my commute and down time at work I'm listening to the Audio Book of Swords and Deviltry. Swords and Deviltry is a fantasy short story collection by Fritz Leiber featuring his sword and sorcery heroes Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. It was recommended highly by Mr. Jarrett.

I was partially skimming for spoilers and reviews by other people so I was reading comments on goodreads for it. One of the comments was saying that the book series was pretty sexist because you're either a hot bangable young lady or a jealous and meddlesome old hag, lol! I used up some of my audible credits to download the books in the series. Audible books are good--usually-- but the narrator has to be good. If I don't like the pitch/inflection/ basically the speak of the narrator, I can't get into the book. I develop a hate-on for the voice and I can't listen to it because it just ruins it for me. I know, I'm weird.

One of my co-workers had lost her puppy recently, last week actually. Its terrifying because it was so unexpected. They were just going to go for a walk with their dog and he wouldn't get up and started to be not right (no lure of the leash, not even a treat and when he did get up something was definitely wrong), so they took him to the emergency vet and were willing to pay anything to get their poochy companion fixed but... his spleen basically ruptured and he was bleeding internally. His spleen and other organs had cancer and there wasn't anything the vet could do. She was told basically that had they not noticed or just kept him home for a few hours that he would have passed away at home. I was in tears just hearing about it because I felt so bad for her, but I can't help but think of my own dogs. I would be devastated, especially if something like that happened to Harley. He's 12 already (His birthday is April 30th) and I know he's already in an age group where something could happen; he could have cancer, or any number of things. He does have a lump on his hip but its' basically a fatty deposit-they had done a test on it and it wasn't a tumor. He's due for his physical and I'm tempted to just have them scan/test for all the cancers. Its a scary thought.

That being said, we had a really good walk yesterday. I was detouring a lot because some roads/streets were closed down due to construction and in my neighborhood there is a lot of cul-de-sacs and dead ends. >.< I think I was gone longer than normal just because I was trying to get us out of the maze lol!!

I was in bed earlier than usual, hit the hay about eight thirty and quarter to nine. I woke up a few times during the night but drifted back to sleep. So I'm not one hundred percent well rested-- broken sleep is the bane of me.

Training today-oh joy. ZzzzzzZzzzzzzzzZzzzzzz.

pets, work, walking, books, zzzz

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