GAHH Monday! Why must it be Monday?!

Jul 07, 2014 08:28

Mondays perpetually tend to lean heavily on suck. It sucks it’s the beginning of the week, it sucks you have to start getting up early, it sucks you have to get up early to go to work, and etc.

Now, oddly enough, I consider myself a morning person. I’m pretty chipper when I wake up after I listen to either an audio story or music (lets face it, its usually music) but as soon as I walk into work I get this glowering attitude. Its only doubled when I’m faced with annoyances. Like, its bad enough I left my home to make it to work and now the universe is adding sh!t sprinkles on top of my sundae of grumpiness.

Now, I’m social-sorta. But I’m also anti social as well. I like being social with people I like when I choose to be with them. If they’re forcing their companionship on me during me time, well, I’m enjoying them and the experience less. Then, there’s the OTHER people. There are people out there-at work especially- that just pick me the wrong way right off the bat. See the following:

-        ‘Wet talkers’ (sounds like they spit when they talk, sorta lispy sometimes) When I was little, I had a bit of a lisp. I’m not sure exactly why, but I had a year of speech therapy and now I make sure that I pronounce everything properly. My T’s especially for some weird reason.

-        Heavy accent where its so heavy I can’t understand them. Just as it sounds-if I can’t make out clearly what you’re saying, its frustrating I’m assuming for me and you.

-        People who eavesdrop and butt into conversations that don’t involve them. We have several of those at work. They have freaky bat hearing and even if you’re whispering (I’m assuming I’m whispering quietly) they tend to pop up like a zit and splooge all over your convo that didn’t involve them. We are going to learn how to read lips.

-        Know it alls that are butting into conversations that don’t involve them. See above-but unsolicited advice/opinions are annoying. Sure, if I’m asking you for your opinion I will be more receptive to hearing it even if it contradicts what I believe in. But if you just go running willy nilly with your opinions and what I should be doing? Kindly STFU.

-        People who talk and have uber, unnecessary pauses in their speaking. Odd, but we have a few people at work that just.. seem to lapse out of reality when they’re talking. Its annoying because I’m confused if it’s the break in the conversation where I then reply, or if you’re having a mini stroke, or if you just really have bad timing for dramatic pauses.

-        Feet draggers. Just irritating. Imagine the static charges they are building up. Unless you’re doing it to set off an explosion, please lift your feet or face my trippy wrath. I’ll throw something miniscule down on the pathway and since you don’t lift your feet, you’re not going to be able to miss it.

-        Creepy staring people.

-        Stay in your office too long talking about nothing you careabout-ers. Okay, I get it. Your conversation is fascinating-to you. You’re like a bad houseguest that overstayed your welcome in my office, and its only because I don’t want to hurt your feelings that I’m not kicking you out. But seriously, if you’re not taking my hints that you are overstaying (turning around, typing, not really looking at you, my animated responses are now ‘mmhmms’ and ‘oh yeahs) then.. I really don’t know what to say or think about you.

-        Can’t stop talking about the accomplishments and specialness of their child person (which falls into the nothing I care about category- I mean, honestly, unless I actually *like* the kid, have familial bonds, or actually think your kid is as cute and talented as *you* do, then.. I don’t really care. My ‘oh that’s nice’ is code for ‘cool, lets wrap this up.’

-        Me-Me-Me-me people. Which ties into “oh, you had that happen to you? I had that happen to me but it was WAY WORSE than when it happened to you”. Everyone’s tragedy sucks. To them.

-        Skinny or ‘healthy body’ people who complain constantly about how fat or unfit they are when its apparent that they aren’t as unfit as they think they are being. OKAY. You ate a cookie once since the last time you ate a cookie two months ago. It isn’t. Going. To kill you. Unless its an arsenic and mercury riddled cookie-which, after your whining about EATING the cookie in the first place, a small small part of me may wish it was. If you’re going to have regret doing it? Then .. don’t do it.

That was kind of a really long rant there lol! But those are the people I tend to avoid first thing in the morning. HAHAHAHAH, lets face it-all day if I can help it.  But sometimes they are unavoidable.
Music helps, but god(s) help the person who interrupts my music time in the morning.

I find as I get older that I have less and less patience for these kinds of things though. These things didn't nearly bother me as much, say, ten years ago. Part of me wonders if I'm going to be as cranky and ornery as my dad. #unleashthefury.

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