May 23, 2004 22:47
Just like that it passes
One moment of relief
One second of joy
An instant of not feeling stretched and tired
Quick as it was, I want more
The feeling I got from My God
Is always in my memory
I cherish it and will always go towards it
I miss it already
Yet I'm glad I have the ability to miss it
Thank you God for letting my know I still have worth
Why is it that the most important part of my life is the hardest for me to talk about? and why is it that it doesn't come up very often? I don't know im just sick of the way i talk, it's not right i can take about every worthless thing is this world, I mean how do people even know im Christian, by a shirt i wear, im just tired of it being hard for me to talk about God, i don't wanna be you know "Exalting myself as a christian" and making eveyone know that, i just don't want it to be the furthest thing from my mind, it's natural for me to talk about video games or cars and worthless crap like that, i want my natural thing to talk about God and not in a fake way, i want it to be something from my heart not my head, i know i have done it where i do it just for the praise of another person, but i want it to be because it's what feels right. like have you ever just sat with someone and talked about like your faith and Jesus and how wonderful it is for you to be a christian? it truly is the greatest feeling ever, and once you really sit down and talk with someone about it, it's not un-comfortable as alot of people's just natural, it's something that never comes up in a circle at school, but if it did there would be so many more people feeling comfortable, and im not talking about praying, because praying is all together different, i meant sharing expriences and just basically having a good time with other Christians, maybe if something like this started the people who are... well to put it in a way, under christian,like they pretty much go the way of the world and preach tollerance and do drugs and have sex and they yell at the people who are a tad overly christian "Don't judge me! you sin too" like it makes it alright for them to sin and someone else who sins can't say jack bout it, well i tell you we can, but not the way of the...again to put it in a way, the over-christians, i don't know if over christians if the right way maybe the "uppity christians" who indeed sin, but try not sin, they're problem is (i do not excluded from either group for i have and still in both) they don't tell them they're sin in love, bout do it out of spite and pride, and instead of coming at it from an "i sin, it sucks for me, and i only want the best for you so im not gonna sit around and tollerate it" they come at it with an attitude of "you sin, you're a bad person, i sin, but i have morals im better than you", either group is wrong, and i refuse to say im excluded im prolly the worse of all because i switch group im in every so often, staying in the middle is a bad thing, and there is no balance in the middle between the 2 because they are both wrong, i like the group im in after camp or when im really tarring it up with my walk with God, it's a group where im joyful and love God, where people don't matter so much as God does and when that happens people start to get joyful and your world starts to change, you love people and God things start to go bad and suck, but you are still joyful , God i really miss being there...see here i go talking about God on my LJ that no one will prolly read at least know one that doesn't already know im a christian, or that hasn't hear me babble on about stuff like this, but right here if this happened maybe the uppity christians would come to a place where they start bring the under-christian people to a joyful place with God. Maybe im being idealistic or maybe im being fake, or stupid whatever, but this is really how i feel, i feel kind of dumb for putting this on LJ and people will prolly think "he's just being fake and rambling on for attenion or to be know as a good christian" and i probably am, but it's ok cause maybe some one else feels this way too, at any rate LJ is the only place i could get this out, i wish i could to it face to face verbally, maybe when i have grown a bit more in my faith.
Im sorry my entry was so long, to everyone who actually took the time to read it, thank you, To all my friends i love you guys even if we didn't hangout much this year