Today's batch of nonsense from my Twitter...
- 01:38 @ escape_goat The writers fucked up. House needs a LSD habit. Holy crap, that would be awesome. I'd watch every week. #
- 02:03 @ escape_goat He totally could. It'd be badass. #
- 11:25 @ Revmoon Aw, she's very cute! =) #
- 11:59 Happy Valentine's Day, lovies! Hope you all got chocolates. I got chocolate milk at a gas station. Was good, was good. Fresh. #
- 12:36 @ freshlyinstable Come to mein haus! 46/27 and cloudy. #
- 12:42 @ freshlyinstable Plus it's meant to snow again tomorrow. So. Y'know. Come early. Very early. Some would say *too* early.. I don't though. #
- 14:36 I always have a serious desire to pull off on non-descript exits/roads whilst travelling & see where I end up after a while. #
- 14:38 @ escape_goat Ack. Awesome! Valiumtimes twinsies! #
- 14:43 I also have a serious desire to try Zaxby's new fried pickles. I should do both at the same time. Eat fried pickles and get lost. #
- 14:51 If
they find me dead in a ditch in some sm town somewhere, covered in fried pickles, you'll know what went down. Alcohol poisoning probably. # - 15:56 RT @BillCorbett: I sympathize with Kevin Smith. Southwest Airlines once ejected me for my incessant screaming, and nudity. #
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