Twitter Updates

Feb 07, 2010 00:01

Today's batch of nonsense from my Twitter...

  • 01:15 So. @freshlyinstable & I are suing these Jedward twazzes. #
  • 01:18 Jedward was our creation & he is a fantasy melding of John Lennon & Edward Burns. Not two goblin children from Ireland w/ Vanilla Ice hair. #
  • 01:23 High school mind creations of fake celebrity meldings need to be protected by law. These two have sullied the good name of Jedward L'Burns. #
  • 01:28 If 2more infants who can't sing come along calling themselves Ejohn there's going to be some car door slamming in the streets of Kensington! #
  • 01:38 Ooh, hello Omar Sharif co-starringness. Yes, I would love to partake of an instant v
    iewing of this film on Netflix, thank you. Lovely. #
  • 04:00 @ freshlyinstable [cackles] Favorite'd. #
  • 04:46 @ theallenbrand I used to give the Care Bear Stare to people who pissed me off when I was very small... Didn't work. #
  • 16:19 @ freshlyinstable Seriously. When that happens I feel like the next time I stand in line anywhere I should just start twitching or something. #
  • 19:58 Um. Just saw Darth Vader, a Stormtrooper & some people in sombreros dancing on a street corner on Main St. *Nothing* else
    going on in area.. #
  • 21:15 @ freshlyinstable Your *tweeting* is off. BA-ZING! So, tell me, am I like the 23rd person to reply with that? #

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