(no subject)

Mar 17, 2006 20:15

oh. i got kicked out of my apartment. and thats that. so im living with adam. we went to the science centre today-NOTE TO SELF-never go on march break. it was so busy and so many kids complaining and parents being pissy. it was fun anyways though. We're going to Evonnes tonight to drink wine and then to Monoghans to drink green beer. It should be fun. I'm going to see Horse the Band and Posion the Well on April 6th, this is what i get for dating a "hardcore kid" haha. School being out is pretty lame. I really want to stay in Oakville for the summer, there is people i miss at home, but living in Oakville would be fun too. Plus if i move home Im getting a full time job and a part time job, so i wouldnt hardly ever go out, because i would go to Oakville on the weekends. I'm just debating this in my mind. The leading factor on me staying is if i can find a job here for more than 10 bucks an hour.

the other day adam told me that him and jeff were talking about girlfriends and jeff said that him and danielle couldnt hang out as much as me and adam do and adam told jeff that seeing someone this much is new to him. but he likes it and he isnt sick of me and never gets sick of me and doesnt think he ever will. it made me smile real big. especially since ive been feeling down the past couple days.

I'm going home to Cambridge tomorrow until Monday. I dont really want to but I need to. OH. my mom is moving at the end of this month too. so that should be good. i should go drink.

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