May 26, 2010 21:02
- 03:45 You may not be easy for others to deal with today because you ... More for Scorpio #
- 10:43 Support Warehouse 13, add a #twibbon to your avatar now! - #
- 11:50 *screams in absolute frustration*. You know it works better when I actually can #
- 13:25 @ jason_isaacs ok Anya. :) #
- 15:12 @ blindingechoes I'm sorry honey. *huggles* I'm still here for a distraction if you need one later. But I would think resting would be best #
- 15:13 @ jason_isaacs I don't either, it's got to be one of my favorite Buffy episodes. #
- 15:38 @ blindingechoes Hee, yeah, by the way, Tash and I might have gone overboard on the tagging. I'm here and being cute and whee Twitter talk #
- 15:49 @ blindingechoes Yep, we are a special kind of insane. Hey at least this way if there's a day when all our (cont) #
- 16:22 Just got out of the shower, I'm nice and clean and can concentrate on my school. #
- 16:30 @ blindingechoes Or maybe it's just that plant in China. Seems interesting that it's always that one plant. #
- 16:34 @ blindingechoes Someone needs to investigate that plant, stat. Seriously, the industry needs some restructuring if that's the case. #
- 16:35 @ blindingechoes I get what you're saying, but I think it's more industry wide than company wide. The whole thing needs to investigated. #
- 16:43 @ blindingechoes Oh no doubt Jobs is a douche, but I think Gates is one too, so meh. No, I agree, Apple's (cont) #
- 16:53 @ blindingechoes He thinks cause his Ipod revolutionized things and saved his company that he craps and people (cont) #
- 19:14 @ blindingechoes Did the Power go out?! #
- 19:28 @ blindingechoes Whew, for a second since you were on your phone that your power had gone out. Go take a cool (cont) #
- 19:42 @ blindingechoes *crosses fingers* I know here in texas people can't have their power cut if they are elderly, or ill. #
- 20:55 @ blindingechoes *huggles and snuggles* #
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