lost 3x12 "par avion"

Mar 15, 2007 18:00

It's been a gazillion years since I wrote a Lost episode review, but I loved this episode enough to write about it. ;) Obviously spoilers about the episode under the cut, and maybe a little for next weeks too.

Post-Episode Thoughts

- I loved the season one feeling of opening to the eye-shot - both in the flashback and on-island.

- As much as I don't like Charlie/Claire, it is sometimes nice to see her happy with him. Because at the end of the day, I love Claire, and I want her to be happy. If she's happy with Charlie in-canon, that makes me happy for her. And besides, there's enough cult-Claire-ships!fic to keep me happy outside of canon. ;)

- But then you get bits where Charlie can be such an asshole that I want to strangle him. *glares* Shut your stupid face up Charlie and let Claire be smart for a change!

- And once again, they screwed up with the flashbacks. Everybody remember back to "Raised by Another"? Claire said her mum would disown her if she found out Claire was pregnant. Weeeeeell, I don't think she could do that if she'd been in a coma for years. LOL. But oh well, this is Lost, I shouldn't expect continuity. ;)

- I knew I’d seen that police officer somewhere before (in the flashbacks), so I imdb-ed him and apparently he was in Home and Away! That made me LOL. And he was in an episode of Alias too, which I guess is where they got him from.

- Ugh, and Claire’s aunt was a bitch. DIE. DIE.
- And yeah, Christian being Claire’s daddy was really no surprise at all, but yay! There should be fic written for this too. And I never noticed before, but they both have really gorgeous blue eyes (I think the black hair brought her’s out even more). Seriously people, write this!!!

- Anything with Kate in it irriates me. Seriously. Did she honestly expect that guy to give her answers??? MORON. And then she almost walked into that barrier thing. MORON. Too bad Sayid didn't let her, that would've made this episode even better.

- I loved all her bits with Sun and Jin. Jin yelling in Korean at Desmond when he scared off the birds made me LOL. There needs to be more BFF moments between Sun and Claire. Oh, and when Sawyer went to call Claire a nickname (Barbie?), I loved that little look Sun gave Sawyer - it shut him right up. hee

- I really want to vid Claire/Desmond again.

- I really loved Claire’s maternity shirt at the end there. But poor Emilie, she must be so sick of it. :p

- Oh, I also LOL-ed at Jack and Tom playing football. Jack/Tom FTW! There needs to be slash written. And the next Jack-flashback needs to be on-island, explaining how the HELL he and Tom got so friendly. (pleaaaaase let it be slashy, pleaaaaaaase)

But yeah, there's my quick summary of thoughts. Wonderful episode IMO, best of the season. I know people didn't like it, but I really couldn't care less because I did. Hopefully we'll get more Claire-flashbacks soon!

claire, lost

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