I've written three of the fic requests for you guys. But, well, they're kinda more drabble-y then anything. Sorry guys, if you don't like them I'll try again.
Title: Chocolate Cookies
Rating: G
Pairing: Claire/Locke undertones
Prompts Used: Chocolate, James, Johnny Locke, Mamacita
Word Count: 308
He had looked everywhere. He’d talked to everyone. And the only person left to talk to - and the one everyone had pointed him too - was the man lounging on the sand and grinning up at him.
Locke had been keeping track of the days, and he knew it was Mother’s Day. He’d been hoping to get Claire something, but for a while, he hadn’t been sure what. But then, she told him the other day what she’d been strangely craving since giving birth to Aaron.
Chocolate cookies. They were hardly a common commodity around here. In fact, according to Hurley, only one box of chocolate Dharma cookies had dropped in the stash last week, and Sawyer had snatched them up in one fell swoop.
“Well, well, well Johnny Locke. Never figured you’d be knocking on my patch of sand for some cookies. Figured you be asking for the guns, or something, y’know, important,” Sawyer drawled, smirking at the older man. Locke sighed and shifted his crutches.
“Listen, James, if it’s such a hassle, never mind.”
Locke turned to limp away when Sawyer’s low sniggers stopped him.
“Hold your damn crutches, Johnny-boy. This is for the mamacita, ain’t it?” Sawyer asked amusedly. Locke rolled his eyes in mild frustration.
“Yes, James, they’re for Claire. What exactly is your point?” he snapped, his annoyance starting to peak. Sawyer chuckled again, clambering gracefully to his feet and wandering back inside his tent for a moment. When he came back out, he was clutching a small plastic container, full of chocolate cookies.
“’Ere you go Johnny, sweet chocolate cookies for a sweet little mommy,” Sawyer smirked. Locke rolled his eyes again and limped away, Sawyer’s soft laughs following him.
When Claire beamed and pressed a kiss against his cheek half an hour later, dealing with Sawyer made it all worth it.
Title: Finally
Rating: PG
Pairing: Logan/Veronica
Prompts Used: n/a
Warning: Spoilers up to the BIG DAMN FINALE
Word Count: 221
It’s strange, how being able to put a face to the awful truth seemed to make her seem lighter. Logan couldn’t remember Veronica acting so free in a long time.
It was wonderful; being able to simply make her laugh, make her smile. It was a lot like their middle school years, back when it’d been Veronica&Duncan&Lilly&Logan. Now it was just Veronica&Logan, but that really wasn’t such a bad thing. In fact, it’s amazing, especially when his lips are touching hers - so sweet, so bitter - and she’s letting him hold her through the night as she shivers away her nightmares.
Aaron’s death doesn’t really surprise him. He can even guess who made it happen, but he doesn’t voice these thoughts to Veronica. In fact, they just don’t speak about Aaron at all. He doesn’t even tell her when he goes to the funeral - Trina organized it, begged him to come. He figures his doing her a favor, keeping her weightless and burden-free - even though he saw that knowing glint in her eye when he visited her apartment after the funeral, in his cheapest grey suit.
She’s happy - finally. It’s been three years since Lilly died, and they can finally - finally - breathe. They can finally - finally - be at peace, with each other, with themselves, with her.
Logan kisses Veronica; and Lilly smiles.
Title: Unknown (yes, that is the title, lol)
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jack/Libby, Hurley/Libby
Prompts Used: n/a
Warning: spoilers for most recent episode, ?
Word Count: 166
He regretted not telling her his feelings. Hurley sat grieving beside him, and all he wanted to do was scream-shout-sob, but he couldn’t. No one would understand, because no one knew about them.
It’d started off small, as cliché as it sounded. She walked by his tent everyday to get to the water, and a few days after her and her people came to camp, she started stopping as she passed his tent. She would chat with him about the weather, or what was going on in the hatch.
And then she stopped. She didn’t need to come past his tent, because Hurley brought her water. And he was busy in the hatch with Henry.
He regrets not kissing her.
She’d always been sweet, polite. And she had been so smart, so very intelligent.
And she was beautiful, inside and out.
He slips his warm hand into her cool, limp one. And he inwardly weeps for the woman he never took the time to really know.