
Oct 04, 2007 11:58

[the communicator picks up the sound of quiet cursing and heavy breathing, accompanied by shifting rubble]

Should've stayed with Ayumi or Ryuuzaki... ugh...

[more shifting rubble and a crash along with a yelp]

Damn it... that's going to leave a mark.

Ci's pretty much... well, fucked in spots is probably the best definition. Looks like some other buildings got it worse... Nyi is even worse than Ci from where I'm standing.

I'd ask if everyone's okay, but I'm not much help in event of the negative... I'm going to try and get to the Arena.

Ahhh... shit, that might be worse than I thought...

[OOC: Yeah, Light made his way 'home' just before the storm hit. He's managed to pick up several cuts and bruises from falling objects, and the possibility of a sprained ankle. And idiot's walking on it.]

weather, storm plot

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