
Jul 19, 2007 10:36

[Private//Hackable to the Very Bored or Very Skilled]
It's stupid, but I keep sitting around worrying about what's going on out there. As much as I may want to be of some use, I know I'd be a liability.

Because I've had months, back in my world, to realize that I'm just one person. I'm not going to change any worlds by myself; it's humanly impossible. And even given (ha, that's a joke) the means to change the world, maybe it would have been best not to use it. I don't like who I was. I'm not entirely thrilled with who I am as a result. But I want to be better.

And that means knowing when I can help, and when to back off.

These Ls are confusing, worrying in a way my L never was. Yeah, I was always trying to stay one step ahead, going so far as to forfeiting ownership of the notebook in order to cover my tracks, but at least I knew where I stood with him. I'm not sure where I stand now, might never know if things don't end so well here. These Ls... one wants to know everything I know (probably to use as evidence against her world's Yagami Light) and the other is both like my L yet not. I think dying has that effect on a person.

I don't know. I already told myself to step back where I can't help, and that's one of those areas where I've no idea what to do or say.

So, back to my original thought process. Luke-kun is keeping everyone affected by this... situation revolving around Yuuko safe and working with those who are of help to remedy things, and those of us on the outside are doing what we can to be safe.

Safety in numbers might be a good thing. Maybe I'll go check and see if Bakura-san's offer to stop by is still open, maybe find out how Watanuki-san is since I haven't heard from her lately; I know she wants to talk about something once all this is sorted and I hope I can answer whatever questions she has....

These four walls are starting to get to me. I need to get out.
[/Private//Hackable to the Very Bored or Very Skilled]

Bakura-san, are you up for a visit? I need to get out of this room for a while before madness sets in again.

[OOC: Strikes legible if you look closely. Not fully filtering anymore, since there's nothing that really needs hidden.]

au: bakura, thoughts, au: l lawliet, ou: ichihara yuuko, ou: l lawliet, au: luke fon fabre

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