
May 25, 2007 14:44

Hmmm. Okay. Either one of those letters going around made its way into my room or my S.O.s decided to be cuter than usual. Any thoughts, you two?

Not that it wasn't a nice letter. Just... surprising to find on my bed. Thankfully it didn't wind up under my pillow; Rem may not be here but I really don't want to know what'll happen if anyone aside from me and the other Light touches the Death Note. I'm not even letting Misa-chan near it, even though I know she remembers and has the eyes.

[Screened to Mint, Jing, Luke, Ryuuzaki, and Misa]

I've been through every part of the computer systems I can access without setting off the cuff. There's absolutely nothing on why certain people have vanished from here or on why a few of them have returned, albeit changed and without any memory of having been here before. I can only assume it was a glitch in the system that is working on fixing itself. This also means that there's no way to really predict if anyone else here will vanish or not, nor if people we're acquainted with in our own worlds will or will not be pulled through. It's probably a glitch in and of itself that you and I are here from the same world, Misa-chan.

[/Screened to Mint, Jing, Luke, Ryuuzaki, and Misa]

computer, thoughts, au: amane misa, ou: jing, ou: mint, ou: l lawliet, au: luke fon fabre

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