May 16, 2005 21:27
who is your hero/ine? i have several..we all need someone to extend their hand in a time of need..i am just fortunate enough to have more than i need..i love my friends
today was not a very good day..very stressful..i have to bring up my grades or no more drama..*tear*..but i think i can still do drama..its what i want to do..i think i've decided on what i want to do..i want to do technical theatre professionally..i just have to go to school for it and get more training..i hope my path goes this is my passion and the love of my life
other than being stressed out of my mind about peter pan..i've been doing ok..except for i almost had an anxiety attack today..not pleasant..but was happy when robert yelled out "my girlfriend rocks" tee made me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside..