I spent most of my night watching videos from here:
www.itgetsbetter.org/> It Gets Better Project. Honestly, I wish growing up there was something like this. Someone there to tell me it would. True enough I was wrapped up in my own little world and held everything in, but even so. Knowing this then would have been nice.
It warms that little jaded part of my heart that's covered with those scars from so long ago. It gives me hope and reminds me of how important the people in your life are. How important is to have those people there that accept you for who you are, who love you no matter what.
So to all those out there who are going through what I went through as a kid, or even worst. It does get better. There are people out there that will love you for who you are. Sometimes it is just a matter of finding them
To those of you in my life. You have my love and thanks, because without some of you I wouldn't be the man I am today, let alone be here today.