Resource and information post

Jul 30, 2015 00:23

I know it's long, but please do read! You'll accumulate karma points if you do. :-) You've probably figured out that it's a sticky; when you know this information better than the back of your hand, you can just skip it. :-)

You're more than welcome to help yourself to any icons and/or resources here. While I occasionally choose to provide a textless version of an icon as an alternate, all of the icons in this journal are completed works, not bases--unless specifically stated otherwise--, whether they contain text or not. If you're interested in a textless version of one of my icons, I've been trying to remember to save those versions too (not always succeeding yet), but feel free to ask, and I'll try to accomodate you.

Resources I've created (textures, gradients, and brushes) can be found in my Memories. You're welcome to alter them or use parts of them instead of the whole thing or do anything else creative that makes them helpful to you. However, please don't present them anywhere by themselves (as opposed to being used in an icon or other graphic) or claim that you or someone else is the maker. And I'd love to see what you make with them, if you'd be so kind as to give me a link.

Hotlinking is of the bad. Don't.

Take, use, enjoy, but please credit to astarte59 or fading_coal, and comments feed my muse. :-) Please leave comments in this journal.

Added 5/15/07: Some thoughts on credit b/c of seeing a few journals/communities that don't ask for credit or even strongly oppose asking for credit since icons are based on the work of others and possibly illegal. Actually, using a screencap by itself is fair use; I know this b/c I have a screencap in a published academic book (The Byronic Hero in Film, Fiction and Television--this isn't a plug; it's just to back up what I'm saying), and my editor explained it's b/c a screencap is one frame out of millions. In this particular case, the entertainment company in question denied my request to use a promo image (and pay for it!), but my editor suggested we go with a screencap since it was important and was legal, and we'd just live w/ the lesser quality. Now, manipulating images from caps I don't know--probably no more illegal than fanfic, and attitudes toward fanfic vary according to studio and producer/creator. Another reason I like credit for icons is the same reason I want credit for fanfic; I've done my best and worked hard. I don't always succeed at creating something good of course, and I'm more pleased with some of my efforts than others, but that's another matter. (And with Multiple Sclerosis, it seems sometimes it takes me as long to make an icon as it does to write a short story!) But the real benefit of credit for me is when I see an icon I like in someone else's post or comment, I can look at her/his User Pics, see who made it, and go check out that person's icons and either hunt that one down, finding other ones I like at the same time, or simply ask if I can use that one that I found in so and so's LJ. It's how I find some of my favorite icon-makers--via credit on someone else's LJ's User Pics page. When I see an icon I really like, I'll spend a ridiculous amount of time chasing it down in the maker's icon posts, and dl'ing several other of her/his other icons in the process. And in my heart of hearts, I hope that just every once in a while, not very often, but once in a purple moon or something, that someone might spot an icon of mine the same way and check out this journal. But just so you know, if you don't happen to have credited something of mine, I can't hunt you down (MS has really reduced my previously really slow running speed), I believe strongly in gun control, and even if I had any sort of weapon I'd undoubtedly miss, and really, given the choice b/t pursuing a credit-omitter and taking a nap, I'll be sleeping. OTOH, if you explicitly present icons or resources I've made as your own work, then I'll get peeved and use what verbal acuity I can muster to publicize your actions and flay you with lancets of wit. I'm a retired professor, and plagiarism über-seriously pisses me off. Thoughts?

Resources for my icons are in my Resource Post, and each icon has individual credits here. Just click on the (very large) button for the appropriate fandom or category.

I'd be delighted and flattered if you'd like to affiliate with this journal, and vice versa. Just comment to this post. Friending is of the good too. :-)

If you've left me feedback, and I don't answer you in what seems like a reasonable amount of time, it's b/c I have Multiple Sclerosis, and sometimes I don't have enough concentration to do much of anything on the computer. I will happily reply when I'm having the energy and mental capacity--some days are better than others.

I can't promise to accomodate requests b/c of my health, but I would certainly be willing to try. Any icons created for requests will be made available to one and all, but I'll thank the requester specifically for the inspiration when I post them, unless you'd prefer I didn't.

You'll always see this post on top. Once you've memorized it and passed the quiz, feel free to skip it. Well, there's no quiz yet, and my memory isn't too good, but so there probably won't be a quiz, but if there were to be a quiz, you'd want to be prepared, right?

resources, rules, information

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