It's dull being at the top. Don't know what I expected, but the least they could have done was given me something to play with while I sat up there. I'd kept myself occupied by trying out my new abilites. Made a tiny bolt of lightning dance along along my fingertips, thrilled that I hadn't made another piece of furntiture explode in the process.
Closed my eyes for a moment and focused on various parts of the building. I always knew what was going on at any given time. It was something the Partners could do, that's how they always knew who needed to be... dealt with.
Lilah was awake. Good. The former Watcher needed to be healed, and she was the key to that. But something was wrong, she wasn't with him any more, she was with Eve. I frowned, Eve had better behave herself, Lilah was important.
So where was Wes? Fear, confusion, lost. As unbalanced as he was right now, he could be a danger to employees and himself. Hadn't seen him in the flesh since before everything changed. I should go say hello.
Took the elevator down and walked along the hall to where I'd sensed him. Book in hand, he was huddled against the wall, almost trying to be invisible. I came over a little closer. "Hello Wes, mind if we have a chat? I can make sure we aren't disturbed." You're disturbed already, I just don't want anyone to bother us.
Almost there, almost there. Where? I have no idea where, but I know I'm almost there. Just a few more steps. Clutching the book tighter against my chest, I splay my hand on it protectively. "Don't worry little one. No one will hurt you." That's right. And my feet are cold. I glance down at them and raise an eyebrow when I notice I'm not wearing any shoes, or sock. No matter.
I frowned as some demon that came over to me and started talking. "Be gone," I hiss at it, pointing my sword toward its throat. Paling it quickly scooted away holding up his hands. "You color funny when you pale," I announce at it, tilting my head curiously. Odd, I've never seen such a demon here before.
Never mind that now. Must get...somewhere. Where am I going? Right, Lilah. Must find Lilah. Safe her. I will this time. Grabbing the sword I narrow my eyes as several people look at me. Must make myself smaller, more invisible. Pressing myself closer to the wall I inch forward again.
When someone suddenly talks to me I jump up, my cold bare bumping against the wall. Whirling around I point the sword at whomever dares to talk to me. "Lindsey McDonald?" Tilting my head I press against the wall and keep the sword pointed at him. Narrowing my eyes I give him a small glare. "You're dead."
He was pointing a sword at me. I didn't think it could kill me any more, but it might still hurt, and I wasn't willing to try and found out at the moment. Glanced down at his feet and frowned. Must be cold walking around here barefoot. Not to mention you could step in something gross, liek the trail of one of those slug demons.
"Used to be dead, but I'm back. A lot of people have come back." Took a couple steps closer, knowing I should be able to dodge if he lunged at me. "Nice sword. Byzantine, if I'm not mistaken. They knew how to make them back then, not like those rip-offs you find on ebay now."
Keeping my eye on him, I slid my finger along the side of the blade, tracing the design carved into the metal. "No one is going to take your book, you're doing an excellent job of protecting it." Turned my head and spotted an empty office. I pointed it out. "Let's talk, it's safer in there." And you'll stop scaring the shit out of the employees.
"Is it?" Confused I look at him for a moment before taking a good look at the sword. Byzantine? I hadn't even noticed that. Blinking I look back at him and frown. "Ebay? I didn't get this of ebay, what is this ebay?" Is he trying to confuse me? Good job.
"Yes, a lot of people are dead. Don't touch my sword." Huffing, I pull it back and let it rest beside me. No one touches my weapons. How are he touch my sword. Wait, how did he know that? How did he know that a lot of people are...were...are...dead. Fred is dead, Illyria isn't. Lindsey
"I'm not protecting this book. It's not even my book." He knows, that's not good. He knows, he shouldn't know. I have to get away from him. NotGoodNotGood. "I was just...watching it for...uhm, someone. Yes, and now I'm..." I point with my sword in a direction, any direction will do. "Taking it for a walk. Yes." That's right. Quickly I look down again and start to inch away toward...where ever.
Of course Wes didn't know what ebay was, he probably didn't surf the internet either. "ebay is an auction website. You can buy anything there."
He was going to bolt, I could feel it. If I reached out and grabbed him, someone would end up getting hurt, and I couldn't allow that to happen. "You're taking the book for a walk? That's good, some of the older ones don't get enough fresh air."
As he started to move away, I took another step closer. Decided to play another card, hoping I could get him to at least stay in a room for a moment. "You're not going to be able to find Lilah right now, she's occupied."
Narrowing my eyes I straighten up. "There's no need to talk to me as though I were a child, Mister McDonald." The older ones don't get enough fresh air. Really. "Condescending arse," I mutter under my breath, eyes darting around me again.
Moving away a step as he comes closer I give him a once over. Why is he getting so close? The tip of the sword is dragging over the floor, I kick my foot at it lightly, moving it forward and then follow it. I giggle at the sound of it. It sounds rather amusing.
"What do you mean...occupied?" How does he know she's back? Is he all knowing? Turning around I give him a scrutinizing look, opening up my senses a bit. He Not human? What is is? "Who are you?" Where is Lilah. I want to see Lilah. Leaning forward I glance around quickly and whisper at him. "Is she having tea?"
Okay, so maybe I'd pushed it with the taking the book for a walk thing, but I'd managed to amuse myself. Wes giggled as the sword dragged along the tiles. I frowned at the scratch marks. They should be able to buff those right out.
"Lilah is busy at the moment." I kept a scowl off my face. Eve wasn't playing nice any more, but Lilah had started it. This wasn't going to end well, and I'd have a mess on my hands. As if I didn't have enough to deal with.
He knew I was different. Smart man. "You might call me the laywer formerly known as Lindsey McDonald. But I'm not going to discuss that out in the open." Not where all these low level people can hear me. I'm not that stupid.
Is she having tea? I blinked. "I have to assume there are beverages at the meeting, and she's probably having some earl grey." It's not nice to lie to unbalanced people. "Tell you what, you follow me to that room over there, I'll get you some tea and some scones. We can talk about Lilah and anything else. How's that sound?"
"Are you making fun of me, McDonald?" The lawyer formerly known as Lindsey McDonald. Very funny. Really amusing. But, no we can't discus that in the open. Can't talk about anything in the open anymore. "Lies, all lies." Buffy not Connor, all lies. Right, wrong, left, right. Confusing.
"She doesn't like earl grey, you sod." He should know that. Git. So much for being top dog. Hah! Wrinkling my nose I look around again quickly and tap my sword on the floor. Go with him or not. Would he know where Lilah was? He's one of them, he'll trap me and they'll do...mind altering things again. No, no, no. Trust no one.
"That sounds like a trap." I nod at that clutching the book tighter to my chest. "I'll tell you what." Looking around me again suspiciously, I bang my sword on the floor hard. Stupid floor. "No..." Scones. Piffle. Turning around I heft my sword to my shoulder and start to walk off again. I can find my Lilah myself.
If I was making fun of him, I would have done it in a very loud voice for the whole damn floor to hear. I never do anything halfway. Should have said jack daniels. Damn it. He was going to leave now, run off into the depths of the building, and then I could either find another way to keep myself entertained, or follow him.
A trap? Oh please. I could kill him a dozen ways right here if I wanted to. No one just walks away from me, not any more. Glanced around and saw the hall had cleared for the most part, the employees getting the hell out of the way when the sword had come up.
I moved faster than I should have been able to and wound up in front of him. Snatched the sword and the book from his hands. Putting the tip of the sword against the book I gave him a smile. "You and I talk or the book gets it." Pushed it a little harder, making the front of the cover start to bend.
Who is this? Flash Gordon? Giggling at that, I raise an eyebrow at him and then look back and forth between him and the book he's...threatening. "How old are you again? Three?" Good god, what an idiot. This is at the top here? No wonder everything it so confusing. "You are aware that you're damaging a most valuable book? I'm certain it won't like that." For all I know that thing might just snatch his fingers off. It's a Wolfram and Hart book after all.
"I'm not talking to anyone who's mean to books," I nod at him, resiting the urge to stick out my tongue. Wait, why should I? I stick out my tongue at him and I cross my arms over my chest. Giving him a glare I huff and look pointedly at the sword. "And that's my sword. What? They don't pay you enough these days to get your own toys? No you have to run around taking away mine so you can assault books? How very mature." Git.
Grumbling I turn around again and move away. I'll not talk with anyone who's menacing books. What's next? A bonfire in the middle of the lobby. Would be funny though. Not with books, no, no, not with books. Maybe some...files. They're all lies anyway. Lies. Lilah. "Oh right, I was going to find Lilah."
He calls me three and then sticks his tongue out. Give me a break. Hello Mr. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle. I tried to match his accent, and it sounded so wrong. "That's my sword." I started to giggle. Couldn't help myself. He was a lot more fun to be around when he wasn't balanced.
I dropped my hands to my side and tried to figure out what I should do. Couldn't let him walk in on what Eve and Lilah were doing. Eve would do something very bad, and I'd have to do something drastic as a punishment.
Walked behind him for a moment. I didn't have any use for teh book or the sword, might as well give them back. "Here, take your stuff back, I don't need them. I've got a whole new bag of tricks to play with now." Even if I still didn't have any idea what I was fully capable of doing.
When he turned around, I held the sword out, and before I could stop myself, a little bolt of lightning raced along the metal. My eyes widened. "Is it me, or is the static electricity in this place really bad?"
"If that were the only thing that was bad around here, it wouldn't much of a problem." Don't we wish. A bit of electricity would be the least of our problem, wouldn't that be nice.
Wrinkling my nose I take back the book and put it under my arm. It's dirty now, I'll have to cleanse it. Again. I'm never going to take any books out for a walk again. Really, to much evil lurking about that can touch them. Defile them. Wait, they're Wolfram and Hart books, they're already evil. Except this one. This is my book.
Sighing I grip the sword to pull it back,it *is* my sword after all. Another electricity bolt shoots over the sword and straight into me. I can feel myself flying backward and slam into a wall. Blinking I slide down and watch the little starts in front of my eyes. "You did that on purpose!" I point at him angrily. Giggling, I try to count the stars for a moment.
""I-I'm sorry Wes. I can't do this."
Lilah. I called her Fred. Oh god. What have I done? She's back and I...what did I do? I'm so confused. "I have to find Lilah," I mumble, getting up. Wearily I look around for my book and my sword.
Guess the lightning wasn't done. Really needed to get better control over these powers. That was a big enough jolt to send him crashing into the wall. I dropped the sword from my fingers, not wanting to hurt him again.
"Sorry, didn't expect that to happen at all." I looked at my fingers again, seeing the lightning still zapping along. I curled my hand up and it formed a little ball. Great, now what to I do with it?
"When Lilah gets out of her meeting, I'll be sure to have her find you." The ball of energy was starting to grow. I bit my lip and glanced around. No one was looking. I tossed the energy down the hall and hit a fire extinguisher which promptly exploded. "Oh hell."
Joining him, I drag the sword behind me and glance down the hall. Blinking I look at the mess that was once a fire extinguisher and a very, very nice hall. Turning I raise my eyebrow and look at him. "And they let you out of the office? Good lord man, you're a danger for society." Christ, look at that mess.
Shaking my head, I sigh and clutch the poor book to my chest. That could've been my book. "Bad Lindsey. Very bad, bad, Lindsey," I mutter. "You should work on that my dear fellow. Mediation and the works before you blow up the building." Pausing I look at him and smirk. "On second though, carry on." I pat his shoulder and wince at the small spark that shoot through us again. "There's a good chap."
It's a good thing I was in charge of this place or I'd be in deep shit. Not only had the fire extinguisher exploded, but it had taken large chunks from the walls and shattered a window. People were starting to come out of their offices to see what had happened. At least the fire alarms hadn't gone off yet.
"Um... Whoops?" He was right though, the next time I did something like that, I could take the building out. Bet the Partners would be thrilled.
He touched my shoulder and I felt another little zap of energy go through me. Glanced over and snickered when I saw his hair. Maybe he could borrow some of Angel's gel to fix that problem.
Then someone saw the smoke and hit the alarm. Damn that was loud. People started to run towards the stairways and I frowned. "Remind me not to do that again."
"Of course I shall not do such a thing, you git. I just told you to carry on." Maybe that zapping had effected his hearing. Wouldn't surprise me if that was already there. From what I remember he was never very good a listening.
Putting the book and the sword against the wall, I look on as people start to run around and...away mostly. Crossing my arms over my chest I give him a thoughtful look. "All you need now is cape." Blinking I smile a little and giggle. "I wonder if you can fly." Hmmm.
It might be interesting to find out. "Come on!" Grabbing his hand, I look at it for a moment and sigh relieved when there's no sparks or bolts shooting out. "Let's find out!" Dragging him toward the lift, I shove him inside and push the button for the room. This'll be fascinating.
Closed my eyes for a moment and focused on various parts of the building. I always knew what was going on at any given time. It was something the Partners could do, that's how they always knew who needed to be... dealt with.
Lilah was awake. Good. The former Watcher needed to be healed, and she was the key to that. But something was wrong, she wasn't with him any more, she was with Eve. I frowned, Eve had better behave herself, Lilah was important.
So where was Wes? Fear, confusion, lost. As unbalanced as he was right now, he could be a danger to employees and himself. Hadn't seen him in the flesh since before everything changed. I should go say hello.
Took the elevator down and walked along the hall to where I'd sensed him. Book in hand, he was huddled against the wall, almost trying to be invisible. I came over a little closer. "Hello Wes, mind if we have a chat? I can make sure we aren't disturbed." You're disturbed already, I just don't want anyone to bother us.
I frowned as some demon that came over to me and started talking. "Be gone," I hiss at it, pointing my sword toward its throat. Paling it quickly scooted away holding up his hands. "You color funny when you pale," I announce at it, tilting my head curiously. Odd, I've never seen such a demon here before.
Never mind that now. Must get...somewhere. Where am I going? Right, Lilah. Must find Lilah. Safe her. I will this time. Grabbing the sword I narrow my eyes as several people look at me. Must make myself smaller, more invisible. Pressing myself closer to the wall I inch forward again.
When someone suddenly talks to me I jump up, my cold bare bumping against the wall. Whirling around I point the sword at whomever dares to talk to me. "Lindsey McDonald?" Tilting my head I press against the wall and keep the sword pointed at him. Narrowing my eyes I give him a small glare. "You're dead."
"Used to be dead, but I'm back. A lot of people have come back." Took a couple steps closer, knowing I should be able to dodge if he lunged at me. "Nice sword. Byzantine, if I'm not mistaken. They knew how to make them back then, not like those rip-offs you find on ebay now."
Keeping my eye on him, I slid my finger along the side of the blade, tracing the design carved into the metal. "No one is going to take your book, you're doing an excellent job of protecting it." Turned my head and spotted an empty office. I pointed it out. "Let's talk, it's safer in there." And you'll stop scaring the shit out of the employees.
"Yes, a lot of people are dead. Don't touch my sword." Huffing, I pull it back and let it rest beside me. No one touches my weapons. How are he touch my sword. Wait, how did he know that? How did he know that a lot of people are...were...are...dead. Fred is dead, Illyria isn't. Lindsey
"I'm not protecting this book. It's not even my book." He knows, that's not good. He knows, he shouldn't know. I have to get away from him. NotGoodNotGood. "I was just...watching it for...uhm, someone. Yes, and now I'm..." I point with my sword in a direction, any direction will do. "Taking it for a walk. Yes." That's right. Quickly I look down again and start to inch away toward...where ever.
He was going to bolt, I could feel it. If I reached out and grabbed him, someone would end up getting hurt, and I couldn't allow that to happen. "You're taking the book for a walk? That's good, some of the older ones don't get enough fresh air."
As he started to move away, I took another step closer. Decided to play another card, hoping I could get him to at least stay in a room for a moment. "You're not going to be able to find Lilah right now, she's occupied."
Moving away a step as he comes closer I give him a once over. Why is he getting so close? The tip of the sword is dragging over the floor, I kick my foot at it lightly, moving it forward and then follow it. I giggle at the sound of it. It sounds rather amusing.
"What do you mean...occupied?" How does he know she's back? Is he all knowing? Turning around I give him a scrutinizing look, opening up my senses a bit. He Not human? What is is? "Who are you?" Where is Lilah. I want to see Lilah. Leaning forward I glance around quickly and whisper at him. "Is she having tea?"
"Lilah is busy at the moment." I kept a scowl off my face. Eve wasn't playing nice any more, but Lilah had started it. This wasn't going to end well, and I'd have a mess on my hands. As if I didn't have enough to deal with.
He knew I was different. Smart man. "You might call me the laywer formerly known as Lindsey McDonald. But I'm not going to discuss that out in the open." Not where all these low level people can hear me. I'm not that stupid.
Is she having tea? I blinked. "I have to assume there are beverages at the meeting, and she's probably having some earl grey." It's not nice to lie to unbalanced people. "Tell you what, you follow me to that room over there, I'll get you some tea and some scones. We can talk about Lilah and anything else. How's that sound?"
"She doesn't like earl grey, you sod." He should know that. Git. So much for being top dog. Hah! Wrinkling my nose I look around again quickly and tap my sword on the floor. Go with him or not. Would he know where Lilah was? He's one of them, he'll trap me and they'll do...mind altering things again. No, no, no. Trust no one.
"That sounds like a trap." I nod at that clutching the book tighter to my chest. "I'll tell you what." Looking around me again suspiciously, I bang my sword on the floor hard. Stupid floor. "No..." Scones. Piffle. Turning around I heft my sword to my shoulder and start to walk off again. I can find my Lilah myself.
A trap? Oh please. I could kill him a dozen ways right here if I wanted to. No one just walks away from me, not any more. Glanced around and saw the hall had cleared for the most part, the employees getting the hell out of the way when the sword had come up.
I moved faster than I should have been able to and wound up in front of him. Snatched the sword and the book from his hands. Putting the tip of the sword against the book I gave him a smile. "You and I talk or the book gets it." Pushed it a little harder, making the front of the cover start to bend.
"I'm not talking to anyone who's mean to books," I nod at him, resiting the urge to stick out my tongue. Wait, why should I? I stick out my tongue at him and I cross my arms over my chest. Giving him a glare I huff and look pointedly at the sword. "And that's my sword. What? They don't pay you enough these days to get your own toys? No you have to run around taking away mine so you can assault books? How very mature." Git.
Grumbling I turn around again and move away. I'll not talk with anyone who's menacing books. What's next? A bonfire in the middle of the lobby. Would be funny though. Not with books, no, no, not with books. Maybe some...files. They're all lies anyway. Lies. Lilah. "Oh right, I was going to find Lilah."
I dropped my hands to my side and tried to figure out what I should do. Couldn't let him walk in on what Eve and Lilah were doing. Eve would do something very bad, and I'd have to do something drastic as a punishment.
Walked behind him for a moment. I didn't have any use for teh book or the sword, might as well give them back. "Here, take your stuff back, I don't need them. I've got a whole new bag of tricks to play with now." Even if I still didn't have any idea what I was fully capable of doing.
When he turned around, I held the sword out, and before I could stop myself, a little bolt of lightning raced along the metal. My eyes widened. "Is it me, or is the static electricity in this place really bad?"
Wrinkling my nose I take back the book and put it under my arm. It's dirty now, I'll have to cleanse it. Again. I'm never going to take any books out for a walk again. Really, to much evil lurking about that can touch them. Defile them. Wait, they're Wolfram and Hart books, they're already evil. Except this one. This is my book.
Sighing I grip the sword to pull it back,it *is* my sword after all. Another electricity bolt shoots over the sword and straight into me. I can feel myself flying backward and slam into a wall. Blinking I slide down and watch the little starts in front of my eyes. "You did that on purpose!" I point at him angrily. Giggling, I try to count the stars for a moment.
""I-I'm sorry Wes. I can't do this."
Lilah. I called her Fred. Oh god. What have I done? She's back and I...what did I do? I'm so confused. "I have to find Lilah," I mumble, getting up. Wearily I look around for my book and my sword.
"Sorry, didn't expect that to happen at all." I looked at my fingers again, seeing the lightning still zapping along. I curled my hand up and it formed a little ball. Great, now what to I do with it?
"When Lilah gets out of her meeting, I'll be sure to have her find you." The ball of energy was starting to grow. I bit my lip and glanced around. No one was looking. I tossed the energy down the hall and hit a fire extinguisher which promptly exploded. "Oh hell."
Shaking my head, I sigh and clutch the poor book to my chest. That could've been my book. "Bad Lindsey. Very bad, bad, Lindsey," I mutter. "You should work on that my dear fellow. Mediation and the works before you blow up the building." Pausing I look at him and smirk. "On second though, carry on." I pat his shoulder and wince at the small spark that shoot through us again. "There's a good chap."
"Um... Whoops?" He was right though, the next time I did something like that, I could take the building out. Bet the Partners would be thrilled.
He touched my shoulder and I felt another little zap of energy go through me. Glanced over and snickered when I saw his hair. Maybe he could borrow some of Angel's gel to fix that problem.
Then someone saw the smoke and hit the alarm. Damn that was loud. People started to run towards the stairways and I frowned. "Remind me not to do that again."
Putting the book and the sword against the wall, I look on as people start to run around and...away mostly. Crossing my arms over my chest I give him a thoughtful look. "All you need now is cape." Blinking I smile a little and giggle. "I wonder if you can fly." Hmmm.
It might be interesting to find out. "Come on!" Grabbing his hand, I look at it for a moment and sigh relieved when there's no sparks or bolts shooting out. "Let's find out!" Dragging him toward the lift, I shove him inside and push the button for the room. This'll be fascinating.
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