Apr 25, 2006 18:31
I finally opened my eyes and smelled the coffee. There is no way in hell I am going to pass my algebra class. So guess who has tried to withdraw from the class? And guess who was late by one day? If you guessed me, you just won the grand prize of being the first to name my unborn child. yay!!! I tried appealing and using my diabetes as an excuse, but no such luck. I am basically going to have to take an F in this class and take it in the summer time. Which means I have to push back even further the one class that actually counts for college credit. Which also means I have exactly one week from the time summer courses end before I start the fall semester at AU. Where is my summer going?
Add to all that the fact that I am a week and a half late which is really scaring me. I haven't been that late since I was 12 when I first got my period and that time doesn't even count. I did take a pregnancy test, but the results I got were inconclusive. I was upset so I left Oscar's house where I took it and he said that after I took off, it finally came up a positive sign and a line in the control window. Which means I would be pregnant at the worst/best time of my life. I can't handle all this. I need some serious help. I just don't know where to look or where to go for it.