Title: Im here for you
Song: For You by HIM
Fandoms: The Vampire Diaries/Being Human UK
Pairing/Characters: Caroline/Mitchell
Length: 01:18
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Title: Remind Me...
Song: No, I don't remember by Anna Ternheim
Fandoms: Legend of the Seeker/Spartacus: Blood and Sand
Pairing/Characters: Cara/Spartacus
Length: 00:51
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Title: You're toxic
Song: Toxic by Yael Naïm
Fandoms: Legend of the Seeker/Vampire Diaries
Pairing/Characters: Kahlan/Damon
Length: 00:34
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Title: I Still Carry My Heart Blind
Song: Time and the Maiden by Claire Voyant
Fandoms: Dark Angel/Vampire Diaries
Pairing/Characters: Max/Damon
Length: 01:36
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