[There's a small boy huddled beneath the desk in the office at the Raven. He looks simultaneously frightened, confused, and very, very alert and defensive. It wouldn't be wrong to assume that anyone bold enough to reach out will get their hand bitten. The boy's clothing is ancient in style and too large for his frame, but the tattoos peeking out
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How did you get in here?
[It's not exactly said kindly, but Eric doesn't look like he's about to rip the kid's head off anymore. So that should say something.]
Qua est is?
[Where is this, he asks. It's a bold question for a slave, and his tone is almost demanding, though very quiet. He puts up a brave front in the face of a vampire.]
Get out of there.
[He says this as he stands up and impatiently motions for the boy to come out of hiding. He really doesn't have time for this.]
[Hesitantly, frightened, he eases forward a bit, his shirt sliding off one shoulder and revealing the tattoo on his upper arm. He doesn't seem to notice. His whole attention is fixed on Eric, waiting to be grabbed as soon as he's in arm's reach.]
.....Godric? Är det du?
["Is that you?" is not the most elegant question he could've thought of, but, maybe, just maybe, speaking the language they shared with each other would help get some answers out of him.]
Vem är du?
[Who are you? Another bold question for a slave, but he's less demanding this time, more curious. His own version of Old Swedish is less practiced and even more ancient than Eric's, but understandable.]
Jag är Eric. Vad är det sista du minns?
[He knelt down to Godric's eye level, this time not threatening.]
[translation: I'm Eric. What's the last thing you remember?]
...Jag var i huset av en Romersk.
[I was in the house of a Roman. It's not a lie, but he omits that the Roman was his master. He fears he'll be sent back if he does, though he has little enough hope that won't happen anyway. There are few reasons a tattooed savage would be in the house of a Roman if that Roman didn't own him, so it's a shaky omission. The smarter omission is his negligence in telling Eric that his master is a vampire.]
Ja, nu är du på mitt kontor. [Kind of an awkward pause.] Har du...ätit än?
[translation: Well, now you're in my office. Have you eaten yet? He wants to say "fed", but he doubts this Godric would have taken kindly to the vampiric wording.
[He does wonder how he got to be here, though. And, curiosity winning out over caution, he asks...]
Har min herre sälja mig till dig?
[Did my master sell me to you? He can think of no other reason for him to be here.]
[No. You have no master here. The look on his face is completely serious and more than a little proud to know that Godric is subordinate to no one.]
Men jag är din vän.
[But I'm your friend. That's clearly an understatement.]
[Emboldened by Eric's words, Godric ventures further out from beneath the desk, daring to come closer to Eric as he looks around this foreign office. It's nothing like he's ever seen, and he's not sure that he likes it.]
Du är fri att göra som du vill, Godric. Men du bör veta att det finns andra vampyrer utanför detta rum.
[Not that they would harm Godric inside the club. House rules and all. Plus, Eric would never allow that.]
[translation: You're free to do as you like, Godric. But you should know there are other vampires outside this room.]
Därefter kommer jag att stanna här.
[Then I will stay here. The way he says it betrays no fear, though he is afraid. It only sounds as if he's making a logical decision, and in a way, that's exactly what he's doing. Godric is not unintelligent, and he knows how vampires are. Eric did say he's free to do as he likes.]
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