Apr 08, 2004 11:45
Muses are funny things. And I don't mean "ha ha" funny, maybe a little funny stranger, but mostly "I wanna shoot someone, possibly myself" funny.
I have serious time problems these days. I don't get to see my Beloved nearly enough due to stupid work scheduling. Most of my free time right now is either during the weekend, when she has priority, or in the morning.
One would think that the best time to do personal things involving muses would be the morning, yes? Sure, that would be efficient. But nooooo, the muse is a funny, malicious thing that is even less of a morning person than I am. After vanishing off to who knows where for months at a time, the damn thing finally starts kicking me again. At night, of course. When I need to go to bed. Bastard.
If I don't kill the damn thing or myself, most postings shall be appearing. Many backdated, often temporally disconnected, usually rambling. Probably rusty and juvenille. But stuff.