Jun 25, 2006 15:47
Sitting at home, ridiculously bored. Dragged myself out of bed at 9, so as to make it into work for 10. Managed it, but I finished at three instead of half five because there was bugger all to do.
It wasn't too bad though. It was nice to see Monica again, hadn't seen her since the start of the month, before she went off to Tenerife. Chris too, hadn't worked with him for a while and he's always rather entertaining.
Ended up going on my break with one of the new people who work in the shop, Ciaran, and he seemed like a nice chap. Bit nervous and shy, but we had a few laughs and it was nice to talk to someone new.
So now I'm just sitting on my bed, as usual, with the laptop burning my knees. Ah well, there's never much to do on a Sunday anyway. I can just go into town tomorrow and return all 12 of my textbooks. Oh yay. It'll break me back but I've not a lot else to do. It really doesn't feel like it's the summer already, this year has gone in so fast. But I'm quite excited now about all the fun stuff I have planned for the next couple of weeks. Also, earning decent amounts of money will be a bonus. I haven't ever had to work during summer holidays but I'm sure I'll cope; it'll give me something productive to do, not like sitting here typing the most pointless drivel into an internet diary. It's all just rambling rambling rambling. A welcome distraction though I suppose, better than playing Hop To The Top for hours as I do in the evenings.
Perhaps I will take Mr Turnips for a walk later.