NIPPON PROJECT is collecting questions from fans for an interview with fade!
From their website:
Among all the questions we will receive, we are going to choose the best ones and send them to the band, so be creative!
Jon Underdown, Kansei Miyaji, 5°, noriyuki and rui are eagerly waiting. The deadline is May 29th...!
Submit your questions
If you need ideas, refer to the handy dandy
I've asked and questions in Japanese are acceptable as well.
Japanese explanation from Emiko:
日本の音楽をヨーロッパや北アメリカへ紹介するサイトです。fadeへインタビューするので、質問を募集中☆5/29まで!がんばって英語で…(日本語もたぶんOK) さきほどのNipponProjectへの質問の送り方はすごく簡単!リンクの一番下に入力するところがあるので、そこに質問 名前 国 を書いて送信ボタンを押すだけ!→ AND! さらに!7月のライブ情報!
A new live has been announced for July! The news was sent first to FC members via email.
fade 7.20 preLIVE "START LINE"
Venue: Shinsaibashi Club Drop
Date: 7 July
Time: 17:30 open, 18:00 start
Tickets: 3300yen (excluding drink)
FC ticket balloting is from 27 May (Mon) to 1 June (Sun)
Each FC member can ballot for up to 3 tickets. Plus 1 ticket can be used (max. 1)
Public sales start on 4 June.
If you have FC tickets, please bring your member tag & key in case of verification, or make sure you are with the FC member.