[UPDATE] Jon Underdown’s interview with My Rock (French Magazine)

Mar 07, 2013 02:13

In case you haven’t had a chance to look at it yet, check out My Rock’s interview with Jon Underdown! You can find it on fade_france’s website. Many thanks to the French ST for sharing this interview with us!

(c) My Rock Magazine

My Rock is a publication based in France. It publishes various live reports and conducts interviews with a wide range of artists.

An interesting excerpt from the interview...

'A lot of people didn’t know who I am a year ago and now when I receive messages like: "Dude, if only I have known what kind of music you do earlier!" In such moments… '

Aaaaaaaand, there is more!

So, what are you waiting for? ;D

We have a master-post of a number of interviews, translations, reviews and many other things fade-related, so don't forget to check that every now and then for updates! If you follow us on Twitter ( @fadefamily) keep an eye out for any updates on your TL! :)

media: interviews, *jon, translations

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