This summer is going to be kickass.
minus my rebellious partner who is moving to california the 28th.
one of the courtyards. YEAUH!
cheesy smile at 9 in the morning. love my best friend <3
she's cool. you're not. get over it
best teacher ever. him and us 3 skankhos have a connection. lmao
hahahahaha court is..blonde <3
cousin && mere =)
Tyler && Tyler. i love em both
Tylers shirt > your shirt
Tyler's watch pretty much says it all
sophies gorgeous <3
i heart pyramids.
this picture was self explanitory. haha
Jared =)
jared needs to wax. hahaha
Ash is so tan we call her black haha. loveeee her
locker buddies <33
my bestestest friends ♥
Old side of the school. haha note the bathroom looking tiles? ghetto.
haha i look so...gross.
suzannes a ho. nuff said
ahahahaha i love that one.
haha wtf?
gym class fun.
i went for the retro look. uhh.
i'm gunna miss joshy if he moves.
if they were gay they'd be the cutest couple ever. haha <3
my cam died 4th period so that sucked...i wanted more pics but oh well