hahahahaha i love eric to death!
E rk 2203: WAY funner plans
Br0kenxVelocity: pshhaw
Br0kenxVelocity: getting drunk?
E rk 2203: nah
E rk 2203: why r u
Br0kenxVelocity: climbing a tree?
Br0kenxVelocity: nah im clean for the season
E rk 2203: climbing 3 trees
E rk 2203: and shoot things
E rk 2203: with guns bigger than me
E rk 2203: and my bow and my arrows
Br0kenxVelocity: lmao omg so fun
E rk 2203: then lighting shit on fire
Br0kenxVelocity: hahaha
Br0kenxVelocity: nice plans
E rk 2203: i'm not done yet
Br0kenxVelocity: ok what else
E rk 2203: cook the shit i killed
E rk 2203: eat it
Br0kenxVelocity: EW
E rk 2203: then threw rocks at cars
E rk 2203: while its cooking
Br0kenxVelocity: and who are you doing this with
E rk 2203: who ever
Br0kenxVelocity: haha
E rk 2203: i am beeing one with the wild tonight
E rk 2203: then i am going to get frogs
Br0kenxVelocity: hahahahaha
Br0kenxVelocity: frog catcher!!!
E rk 2203: and lick them and try to get high off of it
E rk 2203 is away at 5:41:42 PM.
E rk 2203 returned at 5:42:11 PM.
E rk 2203: and so
E rk 2203: my plans are better than yours
Br0kenxVelocity: no way
E rk 2203: yea
E rk 2203: and then
E rk 2203: before the break of dawn
E rk 2203: i am going to shit on someones porch
E rk 2203: cluck like a chicken and ran into the darkness
lmao he's so effed up. i heart him